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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Parliamentary investigation committee has not been formed to protect Home Minister Lamichhane: Mahat

अर्जुन सुवेदी

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Nepali Congress central member and spokesperson Dr. Prakasharan Mahat has accused the government of not forming a parliamentary inquiry committee to protect Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane.

Parliamentary investigation committee has not been formed to protect Home Minister Lamichhane: Mahat

Press Union Sunsari, in a press conference held in Itahari on Monday morning, Mahat said that there is a possibility that Lamichhane will be found guilty when a parliamentary inquiry committee is formed and the government is reluctant to form an inquiry committee for fear of withdrawing its support to the government.

Mahat accused Lamichhane of making irresponsible statements when the Congress demanded an investigation of the Home Minister involved in the cooperative case.

Stating that the Congress has demanded a fair investigation in the co-operative fraud case, Mahat claimed that the demand of the Congress is not unreasonable. He said that while Lamichhane was the head of the investigating agency, the allegations against him could not be investigated impartially.

He asked Home Minister Lamichhane to support this, stating that there would be no problem if no wrongdoing had been done by forming a parliamentary committee or a judicial committee.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ ११:५०
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