कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

Biratnagar Metropolis will provide free fuel to Malami Bus


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The Biratnagar Metropolitan Corporation is going to provide fuel for the buses that run for free for Malami. Karim Ansari, a youth from Biratnagar, is providing fuel for Malami free of cost and the metropolis will provide fuel for the buses.

Biratnagar Metropolis will provide free fuel to Malami Bus

In collaboration with Birat Seva Ashram, Biratnagar Ward No. 10 honored Ansari and senior citizens today. Speaking at the honor program, Biratnagar Metropolitan Municipality Chief Nagesh Koirala announced that monthly fuel will be provided to the buses operating for Malami. He said, 'The Metropolitan Corporation also wants to participate in such a holy work. The fuel required for the buses will be provided by the Metropolitan Municipality on a monthly basis.

Emphasizing that the society should follow the knowledge and experience of senior citizens, he said, 'Society has fallen behind because of not following the experience, knowledge and skills of senior citizens, it is the need of the moment to learn knowledge and culture from senior citizens along with experience.' He said that the Metropolitan Corporation is working with senior citizens as a top priority.

The metropolis has been going door-to-door in all 19 wards and checking the health of senior citizens and also distributing free medicines. Senior citizens were honored on the occasion by providing them with blankets, umbrellas, Horlicks and fruits. Ward president Arjun Giri informed that 100 people living in the ward were honoured. Honored in the

program, Ansari has been providing free bus service to senior citizens to go on pilgrimage.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ८, २०८१ २२:१४
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