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A festival will be held in Dhankuta's Orange City in the New Year


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The second Kopche Festival is going to be held on the occasion of New Year 2081 in the famous Orange City at Kopche in Dhankuta. The festival will be organized from Baisakh 1 to three days at the historic Bihibare market located in Dhankuta Municipality-5 with the slogan 'Protection of originality, promotion of tourism'.

A festival will be held in Dhankuta's Orange City in the New Year

Live here Ridam Shrestha, coordinator of the main organizing committee, informed that the art, culture, costumes, lifestyle and dishes of Newar, Athapaharia and other castes are special attractions of the festival.

The festival is going to be organized in conjunction with Youth Efforts for Social Development (YSD). Shrestha said that the main objective is to provide information about the Kopche revival campaign, to raise economic and social development and living standards through tourism development, to protect historical, cultural and natural originality and to develop it as an external tourism center. There will be 20 stalls at the

festival. It is said that ethnic original dishes will be included in the stall. Similarly, 6 stalls with local products and handicrafts will be provided free of charge. For cultural preservation and tourism development, it is said that interaction, message film exhibition, old photos and entertaining games will also be included. Organizers estimate that 20,000 tourists will participate in the

festival. It is estimated that the festival will cost 10,500,000 rupees, said the president of the festival organizing organization YSD, Rijan Pokharel. More than 150 houses in Orange City, where the

festival will be held, are decorated in one color, i.e. orange. Recently, tourist attraction is increasing in this place.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २८, २०८० १७:५८
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