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Congress will exhibit photos from 'Revolution to Peace'


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Nepali Congress, former Prime Minister and former chairman of the party. On the occasion of Girija Prasad Koirala's centenary birth anniversary, a photo exhibition and discussion meeting will be held from 'Revolution to Peace'.

Congress will exhibit photos from 'Revolution to Peace'

The Congress Central Information, Communication and Propaganda Department has informed that there will be an exhibition of photographs and documentaries related to Koirala and a discussion meeting at the party central office on Tuesday.

Head of Publicity Department Meen Vishwakarma informed that more than 151 photos captured by journalists at different times will be displayed in the exhibition. 'The exhibition in the hall of the central office will have photos related to Koirala and his fellow leaders before 2007, those photos will show the revolution, They will reflect on the three stages of building peace and development and the post-conflict peace process', he said.

Bishwakarma explained the context of building development infrastructure in the phase of building peace and development, Nepal's economy and the development 'model' desired by the Congress. Giving, he said that on that occasion, there will be a discussion on the topic of from revolution to peace, the second foundation of growth and photojournalism: risk and experience.

It is said that former Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai, former Home Minister and former Congress General Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula, Nepal Communist Party (UML) leader Pradeep Gyawali will be the speakers at the 'From Revolution to Peace' discussion meeting and the session will be facilitated by Geja Sharma Wagle.

According to Vishwakarma, Head of Publicity Department, Achyut Wagle, Hari Sharma and Manchala Jha will discuss the discussion on 'Second Foundation of Development' while Vishwa Paudel will facilitate it. Similarly, Gopal Chitrakar, Vikas Rauniar, Chandrashekhar Karki and Prakash Mathe will discuss the topic of 'Photojournalism: Risks and Experience', while journalists Sudhir Sharma and Jagat Nepal will facilitate it. In addition to the exhibition and discussion meeting, a documentary related to Koirala himself will also be exhibited in the program.

Koirala, who served as the head of state from January 1, 2063 to July 8, 2065, was the prime minister four times from 2048 to 2065. Koirala, who joined politics through the labor movement in Biratnagar in 2004, was the fifth president of the Congress from 29th Baisakh 2053 to 7th Chait 2066.

He was born on June 18, 1981 and died on Chait 7, 2066.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १८:४४
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