कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४६

Parliament is failing in its role of making laws and laws: Speaker Dahal


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National Assembly Speaker Narayan Prasad Dahal has said that Parliament is failing in its role of making laws.

Parliament is failing in its role of making laws and laws: Speaker Dahal

Addressing the program organized on the occasion of the 66th Parliament Day at the Parliament Building on Sunday, he said that although the Parliament is the best representative of Nepali citizens, it has failed somewhere in the way of making laws and laws for the citizens.

President Dahal said that the laws made by the parliamentarians will determine where the country will go, and the parliamentarians should focus more on lawmaking. He warned that the Parliament did not pay attention to enact laws and regulations on time. He said that Nepal has the richest constitution.

I say that Nepal has a rich constitution. If we look at the constitutions since 2007, we have implemented many constitutions and especially the constitution made after the general election since 2015 in our own way, which we have done excellently and well. We said we brought the best in 2019, we also said it in 2048. After that, after 2063, we brought the current new constitution in 2072,' President Dahal said, 'I think that everyone has their own point of view when looking at the constitution. This class society has its own point of view. The main thing is to prove that the constitution is right and wrong, to prove that it is right and wrong, and we are the ones who are responsible for implementing that constitution. Our thinking, work style, action plan and mainly Nepali people expect, want, seek, we have taken responsibility for the best representative of the Nepali people is the Parliament. which represents all the people. The law that we create determines how to make the law and what direction it gives. Now we are a little bit lost somewhere in that.'

Speaker Dahal said that Parliament could not enact legislation on time. "Say that the situation did not allow it or because we are a parliament of people with many ideas and perspectives, it is difficult for us to manage them all," he said.

President Dahal said that the role of the parliamentarians to make the parliament effective is the promises they made to the Nepali citizens, the current political situation of Nepal, how to advance the entire economy of Nepal in the future and they should be serious about the livelihood of the Nepali people. The MPs said that it is important to think in a way that benefits the country and the people.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ २२:१७
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