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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Gandaki government saved, Maoist action against MP Devkota unconstitutional: Supreme Court


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The Supreme Court has issued an interim order stating that the action taken by the Maoist Center is unconstitutional, saying that the member of the Gandaki State Assembly Phanindra Devkota violated the party whip while giving the vote of confidence to the government.

Gandaki government saved, Maoist action against MP Devkota unconstitutional: Supreme Court

A single bench of Supreme Court Justice Prakashmansingh Raut issued an interim order on Monday and asked Devkota not to execute the action.

The Supreme Court has mentioned the fact that Devkota is a member of the Gandaki Provincial Assembly and is associated with the Nepal Samajwadi Party. 'The petitioner is affiliated with the Nepal Samajwadi Party and it does not appear that the petitioner has renounced that party, nor does it appear that the petitioner has been expelled by that party. A political party to which the petitioner is not affiliated N.K.P.A. It is mentioned in the order of the Supreme Court that the right to expel the petitioner from (Maoist Center) as a member of the Gandaki Provincial Assembly has not been guaranteed in accordance with the mentioned constitutional and legal provisions.

If the decision to remove him as a member of the Provincial Assembly is implemented on May 32, the Supreme Court has issued an interim order not to implement the decision of the Speaker of the Provincial Assembly until this issue is resolved, as Devkota will not be able to fulfill his role as a public representative and will suffer irreparable damage. It is mentioned in the Supreme Court's interim order that Devkota will be allowed to continue working as a member of the Gandaki State Assembly.

With this interim order of the Supreme Court, Surendraraj Pandey, who became the chief minister of Gandaki state, has been spared. Devkota was punished by the Maoists for giving him a vote of confidence.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ १५:४२
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