कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११२

Congress is now on street agitation demanding an inquiry into the Home Minister in cooperative fraud

Massive demonstrations in the capital on May 13, followed by protests at the local level
The arrest and arrest of Sirohia, the Congress held that the government is trying to take the path of totalitarianism by keeping fear, terror, pressure and control over the media world.

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Considering that the government is irresponsible, illiberal, arbitrary, undemocratic and oriented towards autocracy, the main opposition Congress has decided to strongly resist against it through the federal parliament, the state parliament and the streets.

Congress is now on street agitation demanding an inquiry into the Home Minister in cooperative fraud

The meeting held on Wednesday of the Central Working Committee and the Parliamentary Party has decided to hold a massive demonstration in the capital on May 13 and then take the protest program to the local level. Earlier, the Congress mobilized only the fraternal organizations on the streets to pressurize the demands of the parliamentary inquiry committee, now the entire party is going to take part in the street demonstration.

Kantipur Media Group president Kailash Sirohia's arrest and arrest has been considered by the Congress as 'the government trying to take the path of totalitarianism by keeping the media world under fear, terror, pressure and control'.

The despotic character of the government has been revealed by the excessive action taken against the professional media house Kantipur, which is continuously working to establish democracy and maintain the rule of law in the country. Kantipur has been continuously broadcasting news to maintain good governance, transparency and accountability in the country. In this connection, it was true and natural that the news that Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of the Government of Nepal Ravi Lamichhane and his affiliated company embezzled, misappropriated and embezzled the funds of the cooperative was published," the Congress said in the decision issued after the meeting. Congress has said that Sirohia was arrested with prejudice due to the publication of

news. "As the style of arresting Kailash Sirohia seems to be inspired by the purpose of appalling the media world, this meeting of the Nepali Congress strongly condemns and condemns this action inspired by the bias of the government," the Congress said. The Congress has also warned the government not to control freedom of expression and stifle the fundamental rights of citizens by creating fear and panic over the media.

There was a serious discussion within the Congress about the government not wanting to form a parliamentary committee to investigate Lamichhane, the arrest and arrest of Sirohia, president of Kantipur Media Group, and the Home Minister making serious allegations from the rostrum of the House, targeting Congress leaders.

Congress leader Krishna Prasad Sitaula said that Congress was forced to go to the streets as the government attacked the media with the intention of capturing the entire state power. The Congress leaders participating in the meeting were of the opinion that Home Minister Lamichhane, who used double passports and was involved in co-operative fraud, is not fit to hold the post and should pressure the Prime Minister by demanding his resignation and action. The Congress leaders were also of the view that a deadline should be set to challenge the confirmation of the party leaders by misusing the rostrum of the Parliament and if the confirmation is not confirmed by then, the home minister should be boycotted.

After Lamichhane became Home Minister, Congress said that the investigative process related to co-operative savings misappropriation and fraud was blocked and all mechanisms for investigating and prosecuting were shamefully misused. In order to guarantee the safety of the savings kept by the savers in various cooperatives including Supreme, Suryadarshan, Swarnalakshmi, Sahara, to return the embezzled savings, investigate and take action against the companies including Gorkha Media Network Pvt. The Congress has decided to put forward the demand that a special committee of parliamentary inquiry should be formed to ensure this.

The Congress has mentioned that Anekan has come to the fore to cover up the involvement of the Home Minister to hide the issue of co-operative fraud and to accept the legitimate demand of the opposition party. An attempt was made to take over the Parliament in collaboration with the Speaker. A vote of confidence was also taken by beating the opposition party. It is clear that the government is intent on pushing the House to a meeting, escaping from the Parliament, running away from the questions, suppressing the voice of the opposition and holding the Parliament as a hostage for the protection of some people involved in cooperative fraud,'' said the decision of the Congress.

The Congress has decided to ask the Prime Minister for an answer in Parliament regarding Lamichhane's statement targeting the leaders by using the rostrum of the Parliament on Sunday. The Congress has also warned that if the prime minister does not respond, the government itself will be responsible for the consequences. Whatever the Home Minister said from the rostrum of Parliament, such words were not used even during the King's retreat. Even Raja Mahendra did not say this targeting the Congress. Forgetting the dignity of the position and all the responsibilities, the Prime Minister should answer the way he spoke," said leader Sitaula.

To make the performance of June 13 special, a separate meeting was held with the district presidents of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur, the presidents of fraternal organizations and party central members of three districts under the coordination of General Minister Bishwa Prakash Sharma.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ ०५:०९
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