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३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२७

It is 'impossible' to regulate Melamchi's water in the valley at present.

ऋषिराम पौड्याल

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Based on the preliminary study, it is seen that in the current situation, the Melamchi water supply project cannot provide water to the people of Kathmandu valley for twelve months. This report was released by the technicians involved in the project and study during the discussion on Melamchi's problem and sustainable solution organized by the Ministry of Water Supply today at Singhdarbar.

It is 'impossible' to regulate Melamchi's water in the valley at present.

They suggested that it would not be appropriate to build a temporary structure at the mouth of Melamchi and asked the experts to find a permanent solution. In a discussion with the participation of the chairmen of both committees of the federal parliament, parliamentarians from three districts of the valley, experts studying the project and people's representatives from the valley and the mouth area, they said that the construction of the mouth structure of the project should not be done temporarily. are Chairman of the parliamentary committee, parliamentarians, representatives of the affected areas are giving their opinion in the program organized with the aim of finding answers to the question of whether to provide water in a short time by making a temporary structure in the estuary area of ​​Ayojan.

project head Zakki Ahmad Ansari informed about the current situation in the project's estuary area. Water Supply Secretary Suresh Acharya said that the main lender, Asian Development Bank, had studied and submitted a report on shifting the source of the project. Based on the report prepared by the ADB study, the MPs are giving their opinion on the report prepared by the experts of engineering studies.

After the floods of 2078 damaged the estuary area, the question was raised about the future of Melamchi at that place. About 65 billion has already been spent in the name of Melamchi project, information was given in the program. Participants said that Melamchi was always an expensive and time-consuming project. It is estimated that the construction of a new dam at the mouth of the project will cost around 4 billion.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २२, २०८० १३:०७
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