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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Congress created parliamentary chaos by not allowing Home Minister to speak: UML

'Parliament should not be made a bond of political revenge and prejudice'

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The main ruling party CPN (UML) has accused the Congress of creating political intolerance and parliamentary chaos by not allowing Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane to speak in Parliament. UML's reaction came at a time when Congress decided not to allow Home Minister Lamichhane to speak from the rostrum of Parliament saying that he was involved in co-operative fraud.

Congress created parliamentary chaos by not allowing Home Minister to speak: UML

Mahesh Bertaula, chief whip of UML, wanted to hear from Lamichhane how the ruling party and the entire Nepali people refute the allegations against him, but Congress has created chaos in the parliament by not allowing them to do so.

On Wednesday, UML chief whip Bertaula asked the Congress not to take pains-taking activities less than a month after it was out of power. He also asked whether the Congress has adopted a policy of not accepting the Home Minister.

'Political intolerance and parliamentary anarchy by stopping the home minister from speaking has been done by the Congress . We want to urge the ruling party opposition - there is not only opposition in this house, the government is in the middle. From the speaker's seat, the ruling party is on the right, and the opposition party is on the left. Will the opposition stop in the House? We want to hear the Home Minister . The whole country wants to hear about the questions on the Home Minister. Will they stop ? And where will we go and listen to the ruling party? Where did we go to say the power party? Where will the government go and speak?,' UML chief whip Bertaula said, 'What the Congress has done is absurd, it is not agreed. Parliament should not be bound by political revenge and bias. The issue of exiting the government will continue with today's mathematics of democracy and parliament.'

UML chief whip Bertaula accused the Congress of undermining parliamentary practices and values ​​by not allowing the home minister to go to the rostrum. I would like to request the main opposition - change your style and manner. We want to ask the Congress – does the Congress accept the Home Minister or not?, does the Home Minister accept or not? If the Congress does not accept the Home Minister, boycott it. Issue a statement, we do not accept the incumbent home minister under any circumstances and we do not believe that there is a home minister in this country, can the Congress say?'

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २१, २०८० १८:२५
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