कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८२
निर्भीक नारी

Education is necessary to produce manpower required for enterprise, business: Entrepreneur Jain


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Bandana Jain, vice-professor and coordinator of the Morang Business Association Women's Enterprise Committee, said that an educational system is necessary to produce the necessary manpower in the employment market.

Education is necessary to produce manpower required for enterprise, business: Entrepreneur Jain

Speaking at the second session of Nirbhik Nari program organized by Kantipur Publications co-publisher Nari Masik in Biratnagar on Wednesday under the title 'Swadeshmai Rozhgar: Yuva Sarokar', she said that the kind of education that produces the manpower required by enterprises and businesses is now indispensable.

She has been teaching about entrepreneurship for 20 years and has been doing entrepreneurship for 18 years . In his understanding In the age of globalization, young generations cannot be stopped from going abroad. But she said that they need an education system with knowledge, skills and abilities that can employ them in any corner of the world .

'When we were studying in college, how would we get a job, today's students should be able to be sold anywhere in the world,' she said, 'We have to find a way of education. It should be, whether that manpower is for the development of the country or abroad. She said that there should be a match between the supply and demand of manpower in the enterprise, employment and business market.

With the slogan 'Let's invest in women, let's increase the speed of progress', Nari Masik has organized a program in Koshi province to highlight local voices on the occasion of 114th International Women's Day.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २३, २०८० १४:४५
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