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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

A school forgotten by revolution

Kavi Abhay is a brilliant student of a school forgotten by the revolution, but the hero of the revolution is now facing moral decay.
रोशन शेरचन

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There are two types of poets - those who insist that there should be a similarity between the meaning of the poem and the lifestyle of the poet, and those who reject the idea of ​​similarity and give importance only to creation! Abhay Shrestha is a poet of the first line, who insists that he and his poems should not be separated. He has written in the role, "What I am, my poet is that." Me, my thoughts, lifestyle and my poems are not separate.

A school forgotten by revolution

I also think it is correct that it is not enough to write a poem, it is also the responsibility of the poet to carry the ideas contained in it. Abhay is a poet trying to make the ideology of poetry a lifestyle. For about 18 years, I have seen Kavi Abhay sometimes closely and sometimes from afar. He is a simple poet who lives on the sidelines and considers the work of a poet to be a work with social responsibility. He has been active for almost two and a half decades. Looking closely at his creativity and life, I find that he is also a rebellious poet who loves laughter and jokes. Therefore, he is adamant about position and honor, due to self-respect and rebellion. While many who entered journalism and literature after him have received many honors and awards.

Abhay's recently published poetry- book 'Lahna ar Teer' I find the main features of the poetry- favoring the marginalized class community, rebellion against the existing socio-cultural structure and optimism towards building an egalitarian society.

He has many compositions on Dalit topics. He calls for eradicating social stigma like untouchability. They stand with placards and stand in solidarity against the abolition of caste system and oppression of women. Optimism to build a society on the foundation of equality has watered his thoughts. In the poem 'Dalan', that optimism is seen with a high consciousness -

What do you think of us?

Maybe you thought you were an untouchable lover

and we died alive

We were seeds

and we grew.

Poems like 'Noralai', 'Pandit and Nagarwadhu', 'Three and a half thousand years old anger' are poetic calls to women and marginalized groups who have been discriminated and discriminated against for thousands of years. In a collection divided into four sections, he cautions us against the capitalist market system with its mouth like a dragon.

The poet's language and craft are blended, arrogance is nowhere. The poet's words are far from pompous. The use of language without fat (ornaments and epithets) has made the poem raw and raw. As the fat is removed, the meanings avoid being slippery and become honest self-acceptance. The

collection is not without its weaknesses, but they pale in comparison to its strengths. 'Sandeh' is a famous poem by poet Abhay. Doubt is the antidote in the age of the blind who does not believe in logic, the intake of which can lead to new ways of thinking and order. It is true that the chain of decay and deterioration is increasing because the importance of doubt is not understood in Nepali society. Political corruption, misgovernance and impunity have left the common people reeling. The conclusion of scientific research is that the tendency to doubt leads people to awareness and helps them become prudent. In that sense, the relevance of poetry like 'Sandeh' is increasing. But, where to doubt, where not to? The poet is confused. Although doubt is inevitable in conceptual aspects, philosophy, ideology, religious culture, rituals and political news, how reasonable is it to doubt nature-given beauty? Questions kept arising during the reading. The poet urges – doubt the beautiful collages drawn by clouds or the beauty of snow. I think, beauty is to be felt. Do you doubt?

'Sponsored praise and censure are both enemies of poetry. Critics are true friends of creators. He does not give false praise and does not cut skin. He opens your closed eyes,' this idea found in the poet's role gave him the strength to write so much about Sandeh poetry. The sky of Abhay's poetry is very wide. So it is natural to find some shortcomings.

One of the few poets who stand in the defeat of the favored and influential poet of our time is Abhay. Some of our poets are clear in their partisanship, Sardar in poetry. Because the craft aspect of poetry is gross and weak. A poet will be impressive with a beautiful combination of partisanship (clarity of thought and boldness) and craft. The poet in Abhay seems very mature. He is a brilliant student of a school forgotten by the revolution. But, ironically, the heroes of the revolution are now in danger of moral decline.

poetry has caught the direction of time. Otherwise, in most of the poems today, there is less seriousness and more loudness. Noise or loud sound seems to be the essence of poetry. The more subtle the poem, the more effective it is. I think it will increase its lethality.

I have been watching Kavi Abhay for almost two decades. When most people (including poets) are running after power and power, he can be called an anti-current when he is always standing against power and power. The anticurrent is reactive. However, when society moves towards regression, being reactive is the right and conscious choice.

Committed to his creativity and honest, truthful and humorous, Abhay is the capital of the poet. Also, commitment to social justice and egalitarian world view are not the only characteristics of his poetry. Locality, Neva: Love and respect for culture and civilization are also abundant in his poetry. The poet's skill is revealed in his ability to give a sovereign meaning to locality. We find that skill in some places while reading 'Lahna and Teer'.

Sometimes unbelievable touches of romance are found in the poem, where he has decorated the romantic dream of youth in the inner layer of the mind - hoping that someone will return. Where is the feeling of rebellion, favoritism and anti-love? The social system that is becoming corrupt and dilapidated, the rebellion against the authority and the commitment to social justice is standing on the foundation of love -

stays awake every moment

never let its tenderness perish

like the dearest poem in the heart

like an old love letter in the wallet

like a feather between the pages of a book

I have kept that place in the heart

one Day again

to see if you ask for it back.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २६, २०८० ०९:३४
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