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Tax officer through healthcare workers

Prerna, who has always been first in studies, was the second best among thousands who appeared for Branch Officers in Magar Public Service of Kapchha. Both her studies and experience made her a place in the health sector. She finally chose a job as a tax officer.
घनश्याम खड्का

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It is not possible to match the meaning of name and work in everyone's life. If that happened, the Mukti Rams would never have been bound. Buddhiprasads never had to weep at their folly and rich women never had to live a life of poverty. However, there is often a contrast between name and work. That's why, not only in Nepali, but also in English, Hindi and other languages, the phrase 'What's in the name?' is in trend.

Tax officer through healthcare workers

Shakespeare said while writing Romeo and Juliet, 'What's in a name? A rose smells the same by any other name, just as Romeo is called by any other name, his nature remains the same.'' . It's like we say 'like name like work'.

Even though he graduated twice from nursery school, he was always first, went to the Himalayan settlement of Solukhumbu at the age of 17 to run a 'Village Clinic' and before the age of 25, he was named consecutively in three different groups of public service. , same name as work. Prerna Kapchha's Magar gets more motivated when she hears this about her compliments and smiles faintly as she always does when saying thank you.

Photos: Sukary Lal Shrestha

Since January last year, Prerna has been working as a tax officer at the Internal Revenue Office at Damauli, the headquarters of Tanahun, and is equally active in the fields of social justice and cultural upliftment. Sometimes she is involved in a campaign to collect funds for the publication of a book on the Magar language, and sometimes she encourages the youth of the Magar community to read by saying, "Don't get caught up in the fun of the Koura and Rodhi, my friends."

'We Magars have been the third largest caste in the country in terms of population, but we are far behind in the administrative and political fields as we are not ahead in education and writing,' she says. I want to change the situation.''Prerna, who is moving forward with a clear idea and specific roadmap, has the determination to become at least a secretary.

When all his friends of his age were trying to go to Australia and America saying that 'there is nothing in this country', where did he get the inspiration to live in this country? How did Prerna, who was born 27 years ago in Rajobas of Kavre, an Kantar village in Tintak, where there was no electricity or road, able to gather so much education, job and social work experience in such a short time?

How did she, who was always first in studies, become the best second among thousands who took the exam for branch officers in public services? Prerna, who recently came to Kathmandu from Damauli for a short time, gave direct and clear answers to many such questions in the conversation. Having made a place in the health sector through both education and experience, she smiled faintly when asked why she chose the job of a tax officer. She took a long breath and submitted a list of her work life and social engagements that started before she could complete Plus Two, saying that all these achievements have been achieved.

After completing her SLC in 2068 within 15 years, Prerna continued her studies in Anami and Plus Two simultaneously. And she was first in both. "Since I am a technician in health care, I can get a job quickly," says Prerna. As she was young, her father Dhan Bahadur and mother Krishna Kumari did not agree to send Prerna alone to that mountain. But her brother Vishwaraj reminded Baama and did not let her sister's progress be stopped by saying that she should not miss the opportunity.

In Solukhumbu, Prerna had the role of not only providing health services at the village clinic, but also running a social awareness program for the women of the mothers' group formed there on how to stay healthy and what steps to take if they get sick. In the same vein, one day she went to another settlement, which is two hours away from Deusa village where her office is located, for a social discussion. After a discussion with the women in one of the small mud houses of the slum, Ke had come out, the ground she was standing on was shaken violently by Prerna.

"What happened, what happened is an earthquake," Prerna says about the first experience of a tragedy she had never experienced in her life, "What should I do, what should I do at that time." The moment she got stuck at the door while leaving hastily is captured in her mind in an indelible way. His hands and feet were shaking for fear of what had happened at home when he returned. It was square a little later. She stayed there and tried to find out about the news of her family and relatives by calling here and there. 'That's when I heard the news that the tower had collapsed, I felt very sad,' she says, 'I was thinking of climbing one day, but before I could climb it, it collapsed.' Prerna felt some relief for not having to suffer. After knowing that the news of the family is all right, his heart became more relaxed.

After some time she came back to the village. However, Solukhumbu's memory was haunted by a health problem he had. What happened was that the cold caught him badly when he was staying in Salleri in Solukhumbu. It took a long time to recover from the sore that caught him as soon as he went to work. After a long time, the sores got better, but the smell in the nose disappeared. If he eats medicine, he has a sense of smell and stench. Otherwise you will not know. In this way, the memory of Solukhumbu remained in his life.

Soon after returning from Solukhumbu, Prerna got a job in a project of Mandan Deupur municipality and also took the Public Service Commission exam for Anami. It wasn't even a few months after he got the job, his name came out in public service. And, in 2073, she reached Tanahun to Rising's health post. After reaching the village where the old folk song "Timi pani Rising ko we pai Rising ko, Laideu maya birika" was born, he came to know that the Kaura dance of the Magar community also grew up from here and spread all over the world.

Prerna was not able to learn the mother tongue because none of the three dozen Magar families in Mangaltar of Kavre spoke their own language. Rising had a Magar-dominated settlement and a vibrant language culture. There he also learned some Magar language. In this undertaking, he had a loving and affectionate relationship with a pregnant woman from Reesing. Although she was young, she was a doctor, nurse and hospital for rural women. If the relationship was so dear, even after leaving the job, they would call Prerna and ask for her sister's advice on what to do after expressing their grief.

Prerna considers rural women as her own mother. However, an incident that occurred when she was born always made her sensitive about women's health. She was born in the last week of October 2053. It was the season for bringing in corn and rice. Her grandmother scolds her mother for giving birth while working. 'When you were born, my mother used to say that I had to work three days after giving birth,' Prerna made a sour face, 'I feel very sad when I remember that.' She used to emphasize why it was necessary. It was her style that rural women loved Prerna very much. And even after leaving the village, he would remember by calling.

There is a village in Rising, Dharampani. There was a shopkeeper who didn't care about anyone but his customers. There is a great demand for health workers in the village. And, when he met on the road, he used to greet almost everyone and asked him how he was doing. However, those shopkeepers used to argue as if they did not know each other even when they met on the road. Once a gust of wind blows a zinc leaf and cuts his head badly. When he was about to go home after work in the evening, he came to Tupluk, bleeding. With the help of ordinary equipment, Prerna applied as many as 10 stitches and bandaged them. With regular follow-up visits, the wound healed well and subsequently healed.

'After that, he started saying hello wherever he met,' Prerna said, 'When he went to Dharampani, he started calling to come and have tea and lunch.' This is good. When she went to Rising, she took a book on public service with her. An officer came to check his blood pressure and saw his book on the table. And asked, 'Are you going to give public service examination?' He is more experienced in this. After that, his experiences became inspiration for Prerna. He became associated with the great Jamaat preparing for public service. She knows how to read. And, she came to Kathmandu after three weeks of leave and joined the preparatory class. Soon after the

, she was transferred again to a health post in Kavre from Tanahu. In the field of health that she was in, there was no scope for a large spread. He did not even see the situation of being promoted. "That's why I thought of changing the service group," she says, "and intensified the preparation for public service."

Since then, she had completed her bachelor's degree in health education. At that time, the facility of filling the form online was already available for public services. In Rising, his friends have filled the form, for Subba level. His name came out for the first time. In the meantime, she had completed her master's degree in both public administration and political science. In Baisakh last year, after her name came out in Subba, she reached Gorkha to handle the administrative work of the district jail. As soon as the

was called a prisoner, he felt fear that there would be terrible murderers in his heart. However, as the day-to-day administrative work increased with them, his attitude changed. She was surprised to find that the prisoners were as normal as anyone else. There was a separate prison for men and women. Skill trainings were organized from time to time for the prisoners.

After seeing some of the jailed people arriving there by Anekan Pariband, Prerna now starts to sympathize with them. And, it has started to seem, 'The innocent are still going to jail because of Pariband, so it is even more unfair to assume that they are guilty because they have been proven to be guilty.'

Being a hilly district, Gorkha prison was not crowded. That gave him plenty of time to study. "There were no officers in some prisons, so Subba had to run the office," says Prerna, "but because I was an officer there, I didn't have to work much." After passing all the stages of examination and interview, she came second among 5,646 contestants. Prerna, who has been standing first in exams all her life, felt a strange experience this time because of the sadness of being second and the happiness of getting a job. 1st and 2nd placers are all opting for revenue branch, Prerna did the same. "But it is a very technical matter," she says, "It took me a long time to understand all the aspects of the wider dimension of revenue." After being named as an officer, there was a 6-month training. And, she was transferred to Damauli from January last year, to the Internal Revenue Office.

Since Damauli is a summer place, it was very difficult for him in the beginning. Such technical work on top of that. For him, the early days turned out to be shocking. Later, with the Subbas she asked and learned the work. As the head of the office will be the deputy secretary, she also received mature guidance on things she did not understand.

Apart from the specific task of raising revenue, she also deals with many matters related to tax clients. 'Entrepreneurs do not know much about revenue,' she says, 'Tax evasion is being done due to lack of information, which is a crime. I see.''

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २६, २०८० ०९:११
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