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The audition of Miss Nepal will be held in Karnali on Wednesday


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The audition of Miss Nepal will be held in Karnali on Wednesday

According to the organizers, the audition is going to be held in Surkhet with the aim of getting representation from all seven provinces in the final audition.

Miss Nepal-2023 Srichcha Pradhan said that an orientation was organized on Tuesday for the participants for the audition.

She told herself that the title is not far away if she believes in herself. "This is a competition to introduce Nepal internationally," she said, "which requires strong confidence and an open heart." According to her, if the auditions were held in Nepalgunj on Monday, then the auditions will be held in Birgunj, Virtamod, Itahari, Bhairawa and Kathmandu. He says that Nepali society is slowly understanding the 'glamorous' sector.

Miss Supranational Nepal-2020 Simal Kanaujia shared her experience of participating in the world supernational pageant organized in Poland. She said that an audition was organized in Surkhet to introduce Karnali. "This platform is also important to make women strong," she said, ``I have the ability If you have the confidence to do so, you will excel in any exam.' She said that if the girls here can express their desire, they can get the next Miss Nepal Karnali.

The regional coordinator and choreographer who can change the society if the participants of Miss Nepal can apply what they have learned in the training Keshav Thapa said.

'This competition is not only an event to present talent, exposure and education,' he said, 'it provides the ability to tackle any difficulty.' is According to the organizer, interested Nepali girls who meet the criteria can apply until May 1. According to the organizers, those interested can apply through the Miss Nepal website and app.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ २१:३१
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