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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२९

Private schools started their admission campaign in February

रमेश गिरी/रासस

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The government is starting the student recruitment campaign from May 1st. After announcing the results of the class final exam in Chait, new students should be admitted from the 1st of Baisakh. Every year from May 1st, the government is calling for student recruitment drive for government and private schools.

Private schools started their admission campaign in February

Students cannot be admitted until the school announces the final result of the final examination. The private schools here have conducted a student admission campaign a month before the final examination.

Madhyapurthimi Municipality-2 Matrubhumi Secondary School located in Sanothimi Jatigal has opened admission from class nursery to class 8 . Calling for admission of students through the school page, social media and various means for limited seats. This school, which has been in controversy for charging high fees from students, has opened admissions from February 10. Hundreds of institutional schools from Alok Vidyashram Kathmandu to Bhaktapur, Lalitpur and Kathmandu have conducted student recruitment campaigns.

Shivkumar Sapkota, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Education, said that he made a mistake by enrolling students in February. He said that in accordance with the concept of federalism, the local government should be active since the entire responsibility of education has been given to the local government from registration of schools, management, permission to conduct classes, monitoring to taking action.

Spokesperson Sapkota said, 'All subjects of education are under the authority of the local government, it should be regulated by the local government . March is spent in conducting the regular and district-level old class exams and publishing the results. No new admission can be taken without the result of the examination . The local level has to be strict on this, otherwise the federal government will be forced to move forward.'

Surendra Shrestha, President of Private and Residential Secondary School Organization (PABSON) Bhaktapur, said that the schools have started a student enrollment campaign since Saraswati Puja. He said, 'It is normal to enroll students from Saraswati Puja to class play group, from nursery to class 1, but it is wrong to enroll students from class 2. It has been found that some schools have already opened admissions from nursery to class 9 . We immediately send an official letter and request from Pabson not to do so.'

Ann Pabson Bhaktapur President Sanjay Khadka said that some big and well-known schools have been calling for admission of students in the upper class since the first week of February against the rules. He told his subordinate schools not to do that and said that from the local government to the central government, they have failed to pay attention to such issues.

NPABSON President Khadka said, 'The government does not see what some famous and so-called big schools do. They started to open admissions in the upper class without conducting the exam . After setting arbitrarily high fees, the government tries to restrict every activity from fees to small schools like ours. It is the government that discriminates.'

Parents say that it is illegal to enroll students for higher classes without knowing whether the student will pass in the class they are currently studying and what their results will be. Keshav Puri, the central president of the Parents' Association of Nepal, said that if the government is silent, whatever is done will happen, and the institutional school administrators have become arbitrariness.

He said, 'Posters, banners and advertisements have started appearing everywhere that students are admitted up to class 9 . Who gave them the right to enroll students without the results coming out of the exam? Why is the government silent on violation of government academic schedule of student admission? Why does the authorized local level not regulate ? Parents and students have to fall victim to the weakness of government agencies.'

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १६, २०८० १६:१८
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