कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५३

After the agreement on 9 points, the obstruction of the Karnali State Assembly was removed

तृप्ति शाही

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For the time being, the obstruction of the Karnali State Assembly has been removed. The main opposition parties Nepali Congress and RPP have been obstructing the parliament expressing their disagreement with the budget of the fiscal year 2081/082 brought by the state government.

After the all-party decision to address the demands raised by the opposition, the deadlock has ended for the time being . The all-party meeting chaired by Speaker Nanda Gurung on Monday agreed to address all the demands raised by the opposition.

Congress and RPP should remove the plans named by individuals, private firms and companies from the budget book, budget should be allocated by giving priority to sequential and multi-year projects, projects other than agriculture should not cost more than 1.5 lakhs and roads and buildings should not be implemented under 30 lakhs, all of Karnali Complete, special and conditional grants covering the municipality should be given, all projects above 1 million should be conducted through tender or bidding process, one district, one model school program should be continued in the current financial year, and the program for physical construction under the educational reform program should be based on the recommendation of the Provincial Assembly member. They were demanding 8 points including the need to choose only.

The all-party meeting has decided to conduct the Parliament meeting regularly by addressing all these demands.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १९:४०
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