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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २०८

A couple was found strangled in their own home

रुपा गहतराज

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A couple was found strangled in their own house in Khajura, Banke. Both the seriously injured people are currently being treated.

The couple from Khajura Rural Municipality-6 Digaon, who were found strangled in their room on Monday, have been taken to Nepalgunj Medical College for treatment.

According to the police, Mr. Mahendra Rawat, approximately 25/26 years old, and his wife, approximately 23 Varshia Ritasingh Thakuri, were found with their throats slit with a sharp weapon. As both of them are missing, more information about the incident is yet to be revealed.

They were rescued by a team from the area police office Dhanoli Khajura and taken to Bheri Hospital for treatment. Now they have been taken to Nepalgunj Medical College.

DSP Narayan Dangi of Banke said, 'How did this incident happen between the couple in a closed room? We are investigating. As both of them are in serious condition, it is not yet clear how the incident happened.'

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १९, २०८० १७:५४
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