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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

A peaceful destination for tourists

Today's tourists prefer natural destinations, less crowded and less crowded places. Bardia is a major destination for such tourists
दीपकराज जोशी

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Looking at the development of modern tourism globally, it is one of the very few industries that is constantly growing in terms of tourist numbers, foreign exchange earnings, job creation, income growth and destinations and activities. Due to Nepal's natural uniqueness, cultural splendor, glorious history, transformable spirituality, geological beauty and strategic geographical location, there is a great potential to achieve prosperity through tourism.

A peaceful destination for tourists

A leading and high image (brand image) can be created about Nepal among tourists who seek to enjoy adventure, religious, spiritual, cultural and nature. Nowadays, the new trend of tourism worldwide is the experiential tour that gives a new feeling in life rather than luxury and comfort. Currently tourism is expanding as a developing economy in the same sector.

Tourists are increasingly traveling for new experiences rather than leisurely strolls. It seems that this style will increase in the coming days. In such an environment, Nepal should be given high priority to be established as a special tourist destination where you can experience special moments that are rarely experienced in life, to raise the standard of living of the people and to advance it as an important source of national income.

In the international world, there is a common perception that Nepal is only about mountain destinations and activities like mountain climbing and trekking. Therefore, Nepal is not able to get the expected benefits from other tourist areas and attractions. Even till today, tourism is focused on the weather. Therefore, now diversified and unique natural resources also have to be actively and regularly promoted in the target international market.

In recent days, the tourism sector of Bardia is developing as an emerging destination with great potential. Located on the banks of the Karnali river in the west of Lumbini region, Bardia has social diversity, geographical uniqueness and immense tourism potential. Many communities from East to West Nepal are living in Bardiya, which is dominated by the very honest, friendly and hardworking Tharu caste. Bardia, full of unique natural resources, is emerging as an attractive tourist destination in the world these days, where tourists come not only to visit, but also to learn about the admirable efforts being made in nature conservation.

Bardia's attractions

Bardia National Park, which covers an area of ​​968 square kilometers and was established in 1988, is a major protected area in Nepal. The park and its surrounding community forests offer wildlife such as tigers (Royal Bengal Tigers), bears, wild elephants, one-horned rhinoceros, deer, wild boars, jackals, hundreds of species of flora and fauna, and panoramic views of the Kanchan Taltalaiya and rivers. Tourists can participate in activities like

jungle safari, nature walk, canoeing, bird watching, village visit, Tharu museum visit, jungle walk, rafting, fishing, cycling, cultural dance, traditional and social lifestyle in Nepal's longest river Karnali. Krishnasar and Ghadiyal conservation areas are also very attractive for sightseeing. The tracks of the East India Company's railways when the country was new can still be seen in the forests of Bardia, which is also a historical tourism destination.

Being inhabited by different castes, one can taste the food of different parts of Nepal. Dhikri, ghongi, garlic and chilli chutney, bier roti, maas made with special spices, local variety of greens and mushrooms in this area, which is dominated by the Tharu tribe, bring new tastes to the visitors.

It can be reached by air travel from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj or Dhangadhi and then about 90 minutes by bus from Thakur, the headquarters of the park. It can also be easily reached by private vehicle. The roads to the various attractions within Bardia district are very good and most of the destinations are connected by paved roads. Various attractions can be observed there throughout the year. Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, India, is about 4 hours away from Bardia Park. There is a lot of potential to bring a large number of quality tourists from the infrastructure there. identity of

destinations and destinations of celebrities

British prince Prince Harry, famous Bollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio, Chinese model and actress Su Jing, among others, have been visited there by many international celebrities. Bardia was honored with the best natural destination award in 2019 by the world's largest tourism gathering in Germany. BBC Earth Television aired a special program about the natural destinations here. Bardia is discussed in many other international forums.

In recent days, around 35 quality and medium tourist level hotels and resorts are providing tourist services here. Similarly, homestays in different places of the district are also attracting local food and culture. There are also service providers here that provide unique services with eco-friendly camping experience to the visiting tourists.

conservation models and investment opportunities

We all know – tiger is an endangered animal. After its number began to decrease rapidly in 2013, the authorities of the countries where tigers are found in Russia gathered and started working accordingly with the goal of doubling its number in 10 years. Bardiya is the only protected area where the number of tigers has not only doubled but tripled in 10 years. Today, Bardia is considered as an exemplary area in the world for the conservation of not only tigers but also other wild animals and plants. Here, the role of the community and the management of the buffer zone have also been exemplary.

There are many investment opportunities in quality hotels and resorts, infrastructure, latest activities, technology required for tourism. There are many investment opportunities here for domestic and foreign investors. New investors are looking to increase investment in India by looking at the growing infrastructure and large population oriented towards economic development near the border.

Bardia's expectations from collaborators

Bardia is currently receiving creative packaging from government and private sector stakeholders for tourism development, new attractive activities, increased efficiency with skills and knowledge of local service providers, quality investment for upgrading activities and services, extensive promotion in the international market. And wildlife and environment protection is being sought by Hatema.

There is no doubt that Bardia, which has great potential, can become a unique and exemplary destination in the world within the year 2030 if it receives strong support and support from the stakeholders. This will further enhance Nepal's tourism status as a new rising star in the international world. Especially after the Covid epidemic, most of the tourists prefer natural destinations, places with less crowd and activities. For such tourists, Bardia can be the main choice destination.

Although there is a lot of basis to make Nepal a prosperous nation by benefiting from tourism, the country is not able to get the expected benefits from it. The high desire and motivation at the local level across the country to develop their respective areas as tourist areas is very encouraging. Due to the lack of professional thinking, efficient management, and the necessary skills and knowledge for result-oriented leadership in the local leadership, we are not able to achieve the desired positive results. It is not easy to establish Nepal as a leading tourist destination in the world tourism market without making local bodies efficient and strong. Nepal can become a unique tourist destination in the world and the essence of Nepal's sustainable prosperity only when the center also gives great support to promote the emerging destinations with great potential.

We saw an economy dominated by remittances from 2010 to 2020 to raise the standard of living of citizens. If Nepal's tourism can be developed in an integrated and systematic manner, there is ample basis for the tourism sector to take the lead in leading the economy of the next decade. Let's collaborate with collaborative thinking.

(Joshi is the former CEO of Nepal Tourism Board .)

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ११, २०८० ११:००
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