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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Three people died when a tipper, a bus and a jeep collided at Belbari in Morang


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Three people died in a road accident in Belbari of Morang on Friday morning. District Police Office Morang has informed that three persons were killed when a tipper, a bus and a jeep collided on the border of Ward No. 1 and 3 on the Belbari road section of the East-West highway.

Three people died when a tipper, a bus and a jeep collided at Belbari in Morang

Two people are injured in the incident. According to the police, the tipper number 1-02-001 B 9676 traveling from west to east hit the bus number 03-001 B 2718 of Bagmati Province coming from the west. Citing eyewitnesses, the police said that the tipper, which became uncontrollable after the collision, hit the jeep number May 1J 2856 coming from the east to the west. In the

accident, 36-year-old Krishna Gajurel of Birtamod Municipality-2 Jhapa, Jeep driver, 51-year-old Yadukant Bhattarai of Kamal Rural Municipality-2 of Jhapa riding in the jeep and an unidentified 50-year-old woman for treatment The police said that he died on the way to the hospital.

Hari Khanal, about 55 years old, Gayatri Bhattarai, about 50 years old, and an unidentified man about 40 years old, of Jhapa's Kamal Rural Municipality-2, were seriously injured. They are being treated at Neuro Hospital Biratnagar.

23-year-old Chandra Bahadur Vick of Sundarharaincha Municipality-7 of Morang, Tipperchalak, and 45-year-old Chhatrakumar Maske of Sundarharaincha-12, bus driver, have been detained by the police.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १८, २०८० १०:४४
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