कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६९

The country is in trouble when the priorities of the people and the leadership are different: Speaker Lamichhane


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Ravi Lamichhane, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs and Chairman of the National Independent Party, has said that the country is in trouble because the priorities of the people and the leadership are different.

The country is in trouble when the priorities of the people and the leadership are different: Speaker Lamichhane

In Kathmandu on Sunday, CPN (Unified Socialist) Addressing the National Convention, he said that the country is in trouble since 2007 and said that it is clear that the country will never be in harmony. He insisted that the country is not troubled by the people and farmers but by the leadership.

He mentioned that the priorities of the common people and the leadership are not the same in Nepal. He said that if democracy is in danger, the leaders have nothing to worry about and the people will save the democracy.

'When there is a difference in the priorities of the common people and the leadership. At that time, the country is always in trouble. In Nepal, the priorities of the common people and the priorities of the leadership are not the same. Separated. Democracy has become a concern for us. No need to worry. If democracy is in danger, there are activists and people who will protect it. Leaders don't have to worry,' he said.

He said that the leaders need to worry about building the country.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १६:५३
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