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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४६

A girl who was raped in Chaugoth says: "Relatives committed the crime".


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A 16-year-old girl who was raped in the neighborhood of Panchadeval Vinayak Municipality-2 in Achham is now admitted to the One Door Crisis Management Center (OCMC) of the District Hospital.

A girl who was raped in Chaugoth says:

She was studying at her maternal uncle's house and was raped on Monday midnight by her maternal uncle. It was revealed that she was raped only after she was taken to the hospital for treatment. The girl told Achham reporter Menuka Dhungana about the incident on Monday night and her family situation as follows:

My house is in another ward of Panchdeval Vinayak. About 10 years ago, my mother died of profuse bleeding while giving birth to her sixth child at home. I was 6 years old then. My brother was one year old. After the death of the mother, the father lost his mental balance. There was no one to help us.

Before that, two of my brothers and one sister had died. The oldest sister passed away before a year, I don't remember that incident. A year later, his 9-year-old brother passed away. A brother was born about a year after that. My brother also passed away less than a month after birth. A year later, my brother, who is now with me, was born. A year after the birth of the brother, the mother passed away while giving birth to another child. After losing four members of his family in a row, the father's mental condition was deteriorating. Since my father started drinking alcohol, crying and yelling, it was difficult for me since then. Apart from saying that the village people fainted occasionally, no one tried to feel my pain.

At home there was no one to look after us except father. After the mother's death, she went to the maternal grandmother's house and brought us to the maternal grandmother's house saying that I will keep the grandchildren with myself, my son-in-law is not well. My brother and I started staying at my maternal uncle's house. We used to go to school and help at home. There father had married again and went to Mumbai. I found out that much later. Grandma died 2 years ago. That's when my brother and I became total orphans. Maiju was at home. Mama also lives in Mumbai. 8 months ago Maiju also went with her uncle to get checked. My brother and I were the only ones at home. Even after Maiju went to Mumbai, I also felt that people who are related to my Mavali Khalak behaved differently. But I did not think that such a crime would be on me.

was a birthday celebration event on Monday evening at Pallo House in the neighborhood. I was also called there. I was suffering abuse from earlier because I was related to one of Mavali Khalak's maternal uncles. I already knew that his eyes on me were not good. He also came to the house to celebrate his birthday. At that time I had no doubt that he could do so much. I returned to my house around 9:30 pm on Monday night. As soon as I got home I got my period.

I asked one of my 14-year-old sisters to stay with me in the neighborhood. Not a single person could easily stay in that shed. She was willing to stay in the shed with me even though it was uncomfortable for 2 people. By 10:30 both of us were asleep. Other times I used to go out alone to urinate at night. That day around 2 am I went out to urinate. Not even 1 minute after

came out, a friend who is related to my mother, who plays with me, also from school came to me. First of all, my mouth was shut. The dupatta I had was wrapped around my neck. Mouth shut. And started attacking my body. At that time I was unconscious. I think that after the rape, he has the intention to kill. I fainted. He left thinking she was dead. I lay all night in the cornfield in front of the camp. At around 8 o'clock in the morning, the children of the neighborhood saw them and took them to the corner to sleep. I came to know about this only after coming to my senses.

प्रकाशित : असार ७, २०८१ ०७:०८
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