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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११२

Cooperative fraud case: Supreme Court order to register writ against Home Minister and Attorney General


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The Supreme Court has ordered the filing of a writ petition with demands including the cancellation of the letter of the Attorney General's Office stating that Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane is not involved in the cooperative fraud case.

Cooperative fraud case: Supreme Court order to register writ against Home Minister and Attorney General

The bench of Supreme Court Judge Tek Prasad Dhungana on Wednesday ordered the Supreme Court administration to register the writ petition filed by Advocate Anupam Bhattarai against the Attorney General's Office, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane and Attorney General Dinmani Pokharel.

Supreme Court Registrar Bimal Paudel rejected the writ (bench order) against the Attorney General's Office, the Home Minister and the Attorney General on May 1.

Advocate Bhattarai's writ will be registered after the order of the Supreme Court. In the writ, the legal validity of the letter written by the Attorney General's office was raised stating that no case was filed against Lamichhane in Kaski, Rupandehi and Chitwan.

Similarly, in the writ, it was demanded that Lamichhane was involved in the co-operative fraud and during the investigation, he should be removed from the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs, and also suspended from the post of MP. It has been demanded to remove him from the post as he will affect the investigation of cooperative fraud investigation while he is still in office.

These are the demands of the writ sought to be filed by advocate Bhattarai

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १८:३०
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