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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

634 investors from 52 countries are coming to the investment conference

- 148 projects to be presented at the conference passed by the investment board meeting
- Permission to invest 6 billion 634 million added by Huasin Narayani Cement
सीमा तामाङ

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634 investors and concerned foreign officials from 52 countries are going to participate in the third investment conference to be held in Kathmandu next week. According to the Investment Board, 385 Nepali businessmen and investors will also participate in the conference.

634 investors from 52 countries are coming to the investment conference

As of Tuesday, more than 1,900 domestic and foreign people have been sent for investment, and 1,990 including Nepalis have been confirmed to participate. The board said that high-level representatives of Dabur Nepal, Coca-Cola, Unilever, SJVN, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development will participate in the investment conference. China International Development Corporation Agency (CIDCA) chief Luo Zhaohui and SAARC Chamber of Commerce chief Jasim Uddin will participate in the investment conference.

Asean Development Bank (ADB), World Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), International Monetary Fund (IMF) will also attend the conference. According to the board, representatives of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Beijing (CCPIT), ambassadors of all countries and foreign ambassadors in India who are looking at Nepal will also participate.

Board spokesperson Pradyumna Prasad Upadhyay informed that 'confirmation' continues to come from countries invited to participate in the investment conference. Among the participants, the largest number of indigenous businessmen are 385 people. After that, 265 investors and representatives from China and 143 from India will come.

33 from America, 28 from Japan, 14 from Britain, 13 from Bangladesh, 13 from the United Arab Emirates, and 10 from Germany. 9/9 participants will be from Korea, Australia and Malaysia. 8 from Pakistan and 6 from Singapore. 5 each will be from Qatar and Ghana. 4/4 people will come from Saudi Arabia, France, Bahrain. According to the

board, 3/3 people from Switzerland, Finland, Russia, Austria, Sri Lanka, Colombia will participate. According to the board, 2 each from the Philippines, Kuwait, Canada, Mauritius, Belgium and Belarus will participate. Only one participant from Egypt, Norway, Italy, Senegal, Netherlands, Poland, Indonesia, Tajikistan, Africa, Romania, Mexico, Cyprus, Ireland, Slovenia, Vietnam, Bosnia, Morocco, Turkey, Hong Kong, Vanuatu, Eritrea, Mauritania are According to the board, it has been decided that 10 people from other countries and delegations will participate.

Meanwhile, the 58th meeting of the Investment Board chaired by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has approved a list of 148 projects with preparation costs worth 9 billion rupees in the conference next week.

Board spokesperson Upadhyay said that the number of projects will not decrease but some projects may increase. "Most of the 148 projects to be presented at the investment conference have been completed, if some good projects come, there is a possibility that they will be added," Upadhyay, the spokesperson of the board, said It was suggested that the construction could be developed in a public private partnership (PPP) model by keeping it in one package. Therefore, the board said that these projects can be added for market sounding. The technical committee formed for the

investment conference selected 18 projects for financial management, 20 to be requested for letters of intent, 7 for marketing sounding, 31 for identification stage, 27 for presentation, 14 for investment search and 31 projects selected by the private sector. The board meeting has approved additional investment of 6.63 billion rupees for the Huasin Narayani Cement project. The meeting has formed a negotiation committee under the coordination of the Chief Executive Officer of the Investment Board to prepare a draft of the project investment agreement by taking information from the detailed project report of Dabur Nepal Pvt Ltd. According to Dabur Nepal's proposal for reinvestment of 9.68 billion rupees for capacity expansion and product diversification, the detailed project report of the project has been received and the negotiation process has been moved forward after evaluation by the board. A Project Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Board of Investment and Dabur on 080 Baisakh regarding reinvestment. In the

meeting, Prime Minister Dahal expressed the view that a concrete and practical project should be presented rather than presenting a project at the conference. "Let's not present a wish list at the investment conference, but a concrete and practical project," he said. That's why we should give a solid and practical plan, let's hold a conference to give a new message.'' He said that the country's prosperity can only be achieved through the partnership of the public and private sectors, because it is not possible to facilitate the private sector with ancient thinking, ancient political and legal systems, so the government has moved forward with the work of amending the law to remove obstacles to investment.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ ०६:४०
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