कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Congress will boycott the Gandaki state assembly meeting


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The Congress is going to boycott the meeting of the Gandaki state assembly. When the Supreme Court ordered the government not to take decisions of long-term importance, the Congress decided to boycott it, saying that it was an objectionable matter to convene a provincial assembly meeting on the recommendation of the government.

Congress will boycott the Gandaki state assembly meeting

The meeting of Nepali Congress, Gandaki Province Parliamentary Party held on Friday drew the attention of the speaker and asked him not to conduct the meeting.

'The meeting of the Provincial Assembly convened at 3 o'clock on 2081.01.07, expressing serious disagreement with the interim order of the Honorable Supreme Court, ignoring the Constitution and the existing laws, and the Provincial Assembly will be convened until the final decision of the case by the Honorable Supreme Court. We would like to inform you that the Nepali Congress Parliamentary Party meeting on 07.01.2081 decided that the members of the Nepali Congress will not participate in any meeting. He has said, 'Therefore, we request you not to hold the meeting of the Provincial Assembly until the final decision of the case pending in the honorable Supreme Court is flawed from the constitutional point of view and contrary to parliamentary dignity and tradition.'

The meeting of the Gandaki State Assembly is scheduled for Friday at 3 o'clock. "Since the session of the Gandaki State Assembly has been convened, the act of calling the said session is illegal and contrary to the interim order of the honorable Supreme Court dated 2080.12.28" Congress said, "Therefore, in the situation that the interim order has been issued by the honorable Supreme Court not to take decisions of a long-term nature." Ignoring the interim order of the Honorable Supreme Court and even the hearing of the case, recommending to call the provincial assembly session in disregard of the court's order and Mr. It is another irresponsible step for the provincial chief to call the session.'

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ७, २०८१ १४:१३
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