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Recommendation to end the Parliament session to dodge the question

Agreement between Prime Minister Dahal and UML President Oli in the discussion held on Friday
गंगा बीसी

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The government has recommended the end of the parliament session without solving the questions raised on issues such as co-operative fraud. The government has decided to recommend to President Ramchandra Paudel to end the winter session of the Parliament while the main opposition party Congress is blocking the Parliament demanding the formation of a parliamentary inquiry committee against the Deputy Prime Minister and Ravi Lamichhane in the co-operative fraud.

Recommendation to end the Parliament session to dodge the question

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal and UML President KP Sharma Oli had agreed to end the Parliament session in Baluwatar on Friday morning.

After the end of the session of the Parliament, an agreement has been reached to "advance some important works of the government" by bringing the necessary bill. The Council of Ministers meeting held at Singh Darbar on Friday recommended ending the Parliament session from May 2. "It has been recommended to President Ramchandra Paudel to end it from 12 midnight on 2nd Baisakh, 2081," said Rekha Sharma, Government Spokesperson and Minister of Communication and Information Technology. Now the budget session will be called only after at least 15 days. The government has prepared to introduce an ordinance in these 15 days when the parliament is not in session.

The government has recommended the end of the convention as it has to prepare the budget and investment.

The Congress has said that it is preparing the budget, showing that the possibility of the Bill being passed by the Parliament is very low as the Parliament continues to be blocked.

The main opposition party, the Congress, has objected to the recommendation to end the parliament session. Accused of running away from the opposition's questions. Although there is enough time for the budget session, the government has accused the government of running away from accountability by recommending the end of the winter session of the parliament to cover up the question raised in the parliament about the cooperative fraud case and other weaknesses. Congress General Minister Bishwa Prakash Sharma said that the parliament session was evaded by running away from the important responsibility of investigating the co-operative owners who embezzled the money collected by thousands of common people.

It is a serious matter to embezzle money collected by ordinary citizens. "Congress has demanded that there should be a parliamentary inquiry to investigate this," he told Kantipur, "ending the parliament session is the government running away from the serious questions raised on matters such as co-operative fraud." "Questions raised in the Parliament will automatically be raised in the next session," he said, "The government cannot escape from addressing the issues raised by the Congress." "It is objectionable to adjourn the Parliament and try to run the government through ordinances when civil, education and other bills are under discussion," he said. Government Spokesperson Sharma said that she has recommended the end of the Parliament session as necessary preparations have to be made for the budget and investment conference. "The main priority of the government is to have a conference to bring in people-oriented budget and foreign investment," she said. She said that there is a constitutional provision that an ordinance can be brought.

"When Parliament is not functioning, necessary ordinances can be brought," she said. He said that the Congress is ready to discuss the demand to form a parliamentary committee on cooperative fraud case. "The parties in power are ready to discuss the issues raised by the Congress and come up with a solution," she said. Congress is constantly blocking Parliament.'

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १, २०८१ ०६:२२
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