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Congress General Committee Meeting: Entrepreneurial Youth Congress campaign launched


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A signature campaign for the Entrepreneurial Youth Congress campaign has been launched at the General Committee meeting of the Nepali Congress. At the General Committee meeting which started on February 7th at the Sunrise Conference Center in Godavari, Lalitpur, the signatures for the Entrepreneurial Youth Congress campaign were signed.

Congress General Committee Meeting: Entrepreneurial Youth Congress campaign launched

The campaign started under the leadership of Ranjit Karna, the former president of Nepal Vidyarthi Sangh (Navi Sangh) and member of the Constituent Assembly, is being signed by the party's central leaders and general committee members.

In the campaign launched by preparing a twelve-point resolution proposal, it is mentioned to create an enterprising youth congress, to create a developed country in the next 10 years, to distribute active membership based on criteria, to select candidates through democratic methods, to arrange reservation for the youth in the party.

Similarly, the proportional arrangement in the state and the House of Representatives should be abolished, the number of Indian tourists should be increased for the promotion of religious tourism, scientific forest management and international marketing of wood products should be done, job creation and the youth should be It is said that there should be a policy arrangement for teaching skills.

Similarly, it is mentioned that the party's fraternal and benevolent organizations should have periodic meetings and be mobilized in a timely manner, priority should be given to modernization and development in agriculture, and financial transparency in the party and investigation of the property of people's representatives.

coordinator Karna informed that the campaign was conducted to build a prosperous country by making the youths in the party enterprising and put them in the economic development of the country.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १०, २०८० १६:३०
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