कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Instructions of Kathmandu Metropolis to appoint information officers to community schools


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Kathmandu Metropolitan City has instructed all community and institutional schools to appoint information officers by this June 14th.

Instructions of Kathmandu Metropolis to appoint information officers to community schools

According to the Communication and Information Act of the Metropolitan Municipality, 2080, the Metropolitan Municipality has also instructed to appoint an information officer and inform the Metropolitan Municipality within 14th of June.

According to Govinda Prasad Sharma, head of the education department of the Metropolitan Municipality, KAMPA had previously asked educational organizations to appoint information officers and send them to the department, but as per KAMPA's request, only a few schools had appointed information officers, so the instructions were given again.

When appointing the information officer, it should be a person who is second in charge of the organization. Currently, there are 87 community schools operating in the metropolitan city, while there are 600 institutional schools.

Previously, the cooperatives operating in the metropolitan area have arranged information officers and informed the cooperative department .

Meanwhile, Those who have applied in the skill fair organized by the Kathmandu Metropolitan City since May 19th will be trained in collaboration with local schools and campuses.

The acting head of the social development department, Vimala Koirala, said that if the Metropolitan Municipality aims to provide 'self-employment', 'employment' and 'on-the-job training' by providing skill training to 2,811 people at the beginning of 2081, they will train all those who applied. He said, "sixty thousand more have filled the form, selected from it or completed the documents Will train everyone."

The Metropolitan Municipality has already entered into an agreement with the respective campuses and schools. Out of those who filled the form, 2 thousand 81 people will be trained immediately and others will be trained within the next three years based on their needs.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १२, २०८१ १३:०४
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