कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

Sunset bus ride


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I am on a bus trip

And I am looking at Nirmimesh, the bloody sun setting in Rapati

Sunset bus ride

thinking that

throughout the day The

was blindingly bright, I couldn't watch it.

Sit on the street like a horse

The bus of curiosity hits the flexible road of the mind


In the world of looking beautiful when young

Why does the sun look beautiful only when it is weak?' If

stays beautiful like sunrise and sunset throughout the day

People keep staring at him

And, the earth will die of hunger.'

It is not possible to travel without thinking for a long time.

on a bus trip because the thought is most trampled in motion.

Suddenly, another sound like the sky is spread in the heart-break

'Death is beautiful.

Like this sun that is setting.'

I, too, will set like this sun someday...

I think -

I will fall for the earth, a burden of life

I will give up an addictive life...!

'Giving love to life'

Repeated deception is written in what law of life?

Giving life to love

What philosophy of love is it written in?' Painting...

I think with a smile –

Ah! May my death be as beautiful as this sun....

(A young woman quietly comes and sits next to me!

What's so strange?

Anyone can sit in an empty seat like this young woman.)

I imagine,

that even my death

This painter gham

In the empty fresco of the sky,

should be like a beautiful stroke of golden paint.

be like this wonderful painting of Rapati!

(I am broken, just for a kiss of death

But why is the young lady sitting next to me

restless like this, becoming an obstacle to my thoughts?)

They appear in the open door of the bus -

Desires are scattered,

However, the sun that is about to sink in the sky is the same

and my death will be the same.

As the sun is firm

my death too

Be steadfast like the setting sun!

A gentle blow of thought touches my heart-

that I am not a reflection of the sun shaking on the bus window

I am not an echo of a life that has crashed into the watch of time

Sometimes I appear in someone's mind

And someone gets caught in someone's mind...

I look even for enemies even if I don't want to see

I get caught in love's circle...!

I draw a long breath and wish –

At the time of death I find myself completely alone in some deserted forest

or in a lonely river valley

or alone in a bus trip like that

Or am I completely alone...walking and talking with the mountains?with the mountains

Let only this setting sun witness my end...!

Thinking about your own death is the most beautiful thing...!

I see from the window -

The faint trickle of rays in Rapati...

After some time

The station will come to the fish of the mountain where the sun descends

will then come Dumsi-like

I get off at the bus station.

(Increasing intensity of the girl's throbbing

as if she has fallen into a pit of deep pain...

As I have fallen into a deep pit of sorrow

and I am wishing for death!)

Death The letters of the love story are frozen for a while - they are blurred

I ask the girl -

'Young woman, why are you babbling like this?

What can I help you with?'

The young woman has no answer except 'Aiya Aiya!' -break I feel like a jerk

I get up from the seat with lightning speed

And, I politely invite the young man to take my seat

That's all I want -

To bear the sorrows

A person who loves Odessa is very important.

hanging on the bus pole

I miss my mother who just passed away

I miss–

My mother gave birth to me after such agony.

I apologize to myself

that being oblivious to the suffering of the people next to you,

how till now I

Immersed in a blissful fantasy of my own death?

I stand shrinking in shame

and, for the first time, I look at the swollen stomach of the girl

which was much bigger than the unyielding sun of Rapati

and, it was equally beautiful...!

I sincerely wish for a smooth delivery.

Oh! In a maternity ward full of human's first screams

After a while

Astachal is as beautiful as the sun

A new sun will be born.

As if Siddharth was born from Mayadevi's womb...!

As Jesus was born from Mary's womb...!

What a life!

Someone here is scrambling to give birth

and someone dies!

Someone here is scrambling to get up

and someone to sleep!

'My death

should not be like a waterfall jumping from a terrible watch


to see, take photos

Let there be a crowd of tourists

My death

May it be like the light dew falling from the leaf of a flower!'

Betha is babbling and the birth from her womb is also

May it be as light as the dew falling on the dubo....

Death is beautiful

Like the setting sun...!

Life is more beautiful

Like the rising sun...!

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १२, २०८० १०:१२
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