कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

A young man preserving the peacock dance

विप्लव महर्जन

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Rudra Bahadur Oli of Liurebari Salyan of Bagchaur Municipality-9 was also thinking of going abroad after all the young people of the village had left the creek. He had just completed his 12th standard and went to Khalanga to get a passport to go to the Gulf countries. At that time, he saw some youths dancing the peacock dance on the road. They used to get good money for dancing like that on various occasions. After seeing that, he gave up the idea of ​​going abroad and started learning the peacock dance.

A young man preserving the peacock dance

While learning dance and dancing from place to place, her performance was considered excellent. He has been involved in peacock dance for almost a decade and now he is the Nike of the peacock dance group. Lately, he has been coordinating the Peacock Dance Team and also teaching those who want to learn. 47-year-old Prem Bahadur Khadka of Liurebari has been dancing peacock dance for more than two decades. He was not able to dance for almost a decade after mass dancing was banned during the Maoist conflict.

After the establishment of the Republic in 2063, he started dancing again and is very active. Lately, he has been attracting the youth towards peacock dance. Peacock dance was performed in Bagchaur Municipality and Chhatreshwari and Kumakh Rural Municipality of Salyan from the past. In the past, older people used to dance. But after the Maoist conflict, the dance itself was in crisis after the elders stopped dancing.

After the risk of extinction of the dance danced during pujas, fasts, weddings and various public events, the youth of Bagchaur, Chhatreshwari and Kumakh became active. Oli says that he became active in showing the dance because there will be a revival of culture and he will get a good income from performing in different places. Because of this, the peacock dance has now returned to its old rhythm. Peacock dance which was limited to one/two places in the past is now seen in many places in the district.

23-year-old Hark Bahadur Oli, who has been active in Mayur Nach for about a decade and a half, says that he started dancing not only in his own village but also in different places of the district and outside the district. According to him, peacock feathers needed for dancing were not found in the district and he bought them from Simrutu in Rukum. He said that three lakhs were spent on preparing the necessary materials for a team of 15 people. ``The dance started by the ancestors should not be overshadowed,'' he says. But Oli complains that the relevant bodies have not shown interest in dance conservation.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १२, २०८१ ०७:०१
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