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Madankrishna and Harivansh in Australia for Mahajatra

Events in 7 cities in Australia and New Zealand
नारायण खड्का

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A team of about half a dozen artists including artists Madankrishna Shrestha and Harivansh Acharya have arrived in West Australia for the Mahjatra program to be organized in Australia and New Zealand.

Madankrishna and Harivansh in Australia for Mahajatra

Along with Shrestha and Acharya, the team includes Kiran KC, Narendra Kansakar, singer Kunti Moktan, Sheila Bahadur Moktan and Acharya's wife Ramila Acharya. The team including Mahjodi is going to be seen in Australia after about 1 decade through Mahjatra.

The Mahajatra organized by Solanchar, an organization based in Melbourne, is starting from Perth, Australia. In addition to Perth, it will be held in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Auckland and Christchurch in New Zealand.

All the actors, including Mahjodi, arrived in Perth on Friday for the event to be held on Saturday evening in Perth, Western Australia. Organized by Anesas Perth, the event will be held at the Octagon Theatre. Organizers said that more than 500 spectators, including Nepali and other countries, will participate in the program.

According to Solancher, after Perth, the Mahajatra will be held in Canberra on May 29, while the processions will be held in Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne on June 2, 7 and 8. According to the organizers, after completing all the programs in Australia, the team with Mahjodi will go to New Zealand for the programs to be held in Auckland and Christchurch on June 15 and 22. The team of artists who arrived in Perth for the

program was welcomed by the officials of ANESAS Perth. On the occasion, the artist said that he was happy to come to Australia after a long time with the Mahajatra. They also thanked art lovers in Australia for loving them.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १२, २०८१ १२:४०
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