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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५३

In Lumbini region, the growth of beruju is increasing

वीरेन्द्र केसी

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1 billion 12 billion 63 lakh 45 thousand rupees has been found to be unaccounted for at the government, association and local levels of Lumbini province. In the annual report submitted by the Office of the Auditor General to Lumbini Chief Amik Sherchana, it is mentioned that the current rate has increased by 31.48 percent compared to last year.

In Lumbini region, the growth of beruju is increasing

Ghanshyam Parajuli, the Deputy Director General of the Auditor General's Office, conveyed to Sherchan the report on the increase in unrest in Lumbini. Parajuli submitted the report by including the details of various agencies in Beruju, Lumbini province, the status of implementation of the audit report and the need for improvement in the coming days.

12 districts of Lumbini province in 119 local levels have been included in the description. Similarly, among the 267 ministries and agencies of the Lumbini province government, 50 billion 282 million 11 thousand, including 57 billion 91 million 59 million 29 thousand of various 22 committees and organizations, including 57 billion 91 million 59 million 29 thousand, including 267 ministries and agencies. It is mentioned in the sixth annual report of the auditor general that the audit of rupees was done.

Out of which the audit of 57 billion 91 crore 59 lakhs of 289 entities including ministries, committees and associations of the Lumbini government has been completed, it has been seen that 1 trillion 12 crore 63 lakh 46 thousand rupees have been found to be unaccounted for. Government offices, committees and organizations have to budget 1 billion 12 billion 63 lakh 45 thousand rupees in the financial year 2079/080. In the

report, it is mentioned that 24 billion 24 million 10 lakh 47 thousand rupees are outstanding in 119 local levels of Lumbini province. It is mentioned that the government has been suggested to pay serious attention to budget management, law formulation, implementation and policy making.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २३, २०८१ ११:५५
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