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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Recommend action to other employees including Head of Education Branch

रुपा गहतराज

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Banke's Kohalpur municipality has recommended action against a dozen people, including the head of the education branch, after it was confirmed that there were irregularities in the conduct of the basic level class 8 examination and the publication of the results.

Recommend action to other employees including Head of Education Branch

Education branch head Ram Bahadur Hamal, officer Ravilal Mizar, technical assistant Bal Bahadur Nepali and office assistant Bharat Tharu have been found guilty and recommended for action. According to the municipality, Mizar has been recommended to be suspended.

The result of class 8 exam which was held from 2nd to 9th March was announced on 23rd. After receiving a complaint that there were irregularities in conducting the examination, examining the answer sheets and publishing the results, the municipality formed a five-member investigation committee under the coordination of executive member Birendra Bahadur Shah.

Purna Prasad Acharya, city head, said that based on the report, it was decided to recommend departmental action along with suspension, holding education branch officer Mizar as the main culprit in the publication of the results. "It has been decided to return the job of Education Branch Chief Hamal and recommend departmental action," he said.

Mayor Acharya made it clear that Hamal was found guilty as the head of the branch because it was found that there were irregularities due to the fact that the responsibilities of the subordinate staff were not distributed in writing, and the examination-related activities were not supervised, monitored and directed to be effective.

Civil servants have been recommended for action under the Civil Service Act 2049, while others have been recommended for action under the Education Act 2028. Mayor Acharya said that those involved in the teaching profession in the contract of Kohalpur Municipality will be cancelled.

2 thousand 864 students from 52 schools, community and institutional within the municipal area, filled the form, 53 were absent and 2 thousand 811 students participated in the examination. 69.87 percent passed in the institutional side and 14.80 percent passed in the community side.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ १०:५४
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