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Bakrakund Gold Cup football title to Sunsari


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Sunsari has won the title of the third edition of Bakrakund Gold Cup football held in Hille of Dhankuta. In the final match on Monday, Sunsari won by defeating Elam in a penalty shootout.

Bakrakund Gold Cup football title to Sunsari

After both sides scored two goals at the appointed time, the game was pushed to a penalty shootout. Sunsari defeated Elam with a 5-4 goal difference in the penalty shoot out. During the penalty shootout, one of Elam's players went off the goal post and Elam was defeated. Team Sunsari, the winner of the

competition, received one lakh rupees in cash along with the title. The runner-up Elam settled for Rs 50,000 in cash. The organizer said that the competition has been held since three years ago in the name of Bakrakunda Dham, a religious tourist place located in Hille.

The competition is being organized by the football club. Arjun Shahi, secretary of the organizing committee informed that the participation of Morang, Sunsari, Jhapa, Ilam, Sankhuwasabha, Tehrathum and Saptari districts of Madhesh province along with Dhankuta in the competition which started on 23rd.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २६, २०८० १८:४१
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