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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

Bajhang by-election: Janak Budha of the Maoist center registered his candidacy


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Janak Budha of CPN (Maoist Center) has registered his candidature for the by-election of the Provincial Assembly. He registered his candidacy at the office of the Chief Electoral Officer at 4 pm on Saturday.

Bajhang by-election: Janak Budha of the Maoist center registered his candidacy

Leaders and activists of the Maoist center along with the slogan procession reached the office of the Chief Election Officer to register their candidature. Maoists have been demanding that UML should help their candidate in Bajhang because Maoists have helped CPN-UML candidates in Ilam.

UML has not agreed to the demand of Maoist and has chosen its own candidate.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २४, २०८० १६:२६
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