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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११७

131 incidents of human rights violations in Surkhet


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131 incidents of human rights violations and excesses have occurred in Surkhet in the last 6 months. According to the data released by the informal sector service center INSEC on Monday, there were 131 incidents of human rights violations and excesses in the district.

131 incidents of human rights violations in Surkhet

In the semi-annual review program held in Birendranagar on Monday, INSEC has released the data of 131 incidents of human rights violations in Surkhet from January to June.

In the report published by INSEC, it is said that there are many incidents of domestic violence. INSEC Karnali Province Coordinator Narayan Subedi said that there were two incidents from the state side and 129 from others.

According to him, domestic violence 83, rape 23, polygamy, 3, women rights 8, caste discrimination 2 lagayaka Incidents have occurred. Chief District Officer Shankarhari Acharya said that in order to minimize human rights incidents, the local level also needs to be proactive.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २०:१५
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