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'Taha Seva Medal' awarded to five people

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Thaha Municipality, a tourist city of Makwanpur, has honored 5 people who have contributed in various fields with the Thaha Seva Medal.

'Taha Seva Medal' awarded to five people

On the occasion of the tenth foundation day of Thaha, 5 people were honored with the 'Thaha Seva Medal' during a ceremony on Wednesday. Bishnu Bishta, the mayor of the municipality located in the northern region of the district, presented Thaha Seva Medal to Napa's former mayor Lavser Bista and former deputy mayor Khadga Bahadur Gopali. Arjun Singh Thakuri, tourism entrepreneur Shyam Bista and Thaha Culture Star Medal were awarded to Tika Lal Karmacharya with Thaha Economic Prosperity Medal.

Daman, Palung, Agra, Tistung, Bajbarahi and Chitlang, including 6 villages were declared by the government on 25th Baisakh 25, 2071. 071 The work was started by establishing the municipal office on May 9.

self Thaha Municipality has been named to make the contribution of Rupchandra Bista (Taha) permanent. Self known as 'Taha'. Bishta Savik's Daman belongs to Gavis-2. There are 9,725 households in Thaha municipality. Divided into 12 wards, the municipality has a population of 38,870.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १६:२२
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