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'Ralph Feltham' award to Nepalese diplomat Parajuli


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Suwang Parajuli from Nepal has received the 2024 Ralph Feltham Award on behalf of the Diplomatic Studies Program.

'Ralph Feltham' award to Nepalese diplomat Parajuli

The prize, given to Parajuli, a Kellogg student at Oxford University, has been given every year in honor of Ralph Feltham, the founding director of the British Foreign Service Program (forerunner of the Diplomatic Studies Program). The award was given for excellent adherence to diplomatic spirit during this year's academic session.

Parajuli, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal, is currently pursuing a master's degree in Oxford in the subject of 'Diplomatic Studies' after receiving a Chevening scholarship in the UK.

He is studying diplomatic practice, public international law, international politics and international trade and finance. He is researching the prestige motivation of civilizational states. After receiving the

award, diplomat Parajuli thanked those who enriched his learning and time at Oxford. He mentioned that he felt honored to receive the award.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ २०:५१
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