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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८०

The Congress asked Lamichhane to start an investigation into the cooperative case and leave the Home Minister until it is completed


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The main opposition Congress has said that Ravi Lamichhane should be removed as the Home Minister to make the investigation of the cooperative case fair. In the meeting of the Public Order and Good Governance Committee, Congress MP Dilendra Prasad Badu opined that Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Lamichhane should step down after his name was linked to cooperative fraud as no one is above the law.

The Congress asked Lamichhane to start an investigation into the cooperative case and leave the Home Minister until it is completed

Congress is also demanding an investigation on Lamichhane in the parliament and the demand is to be solved saying that cooperative problems are increasing. He said that money was taken from Galaxy TV from Pokhara and Butwal cooperatives and that Ravi Lamichhane's name was also included in it, and he said that he should step down until the investigation is completed. It is said that an amount of 10 crores has gone to Galaxy TV from cities like Pokhara and Butwal. It is said that it was collected in the name of Ravi Lamichhane. We wondered, who is that person? Is the name just a coincidence? Our Home Minister also has the same name,' said Badu, 'if it is him, an investigation is being conducted. We will clearly investigate . To ensure the impartiality and credibility of the investigation, if he is the Home Minister, for a fair investigation, should the investigation be started and should he be removed from the responsibility until it is completed? Badu said that the complaints of the cooperative victims are coming widely. He asked about the fugitives saying that the case has reached the court. Complaints of co-operative victims have also been coming for a long time. The case has also reached the court. What are the police investigating ? How are the fugitives in this case ? Is it by advice?', he said, 'Make it as clear as possible. On this matter, our party is raising the issue in the parliament. How has the capital held by the depositors been squandered by the people of most of the co-operatives?'

MP Badu said that the rule of law should be established in a democratic republic. He said that no one is above the law. Badu questioned how the red notice was issued against the fugitives and how it will be resolved in the future.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १३:२३
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