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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८२

Provincial government of new equation will be formed in two/four days: Secretary General Pokharel


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CPN (UML) General Secretary Shankar Pokharel has said that within this week, a new coalition government will be formed in the provinces.

Provincial government of new equation will be formed in two/four days: Secretary General Pokharel

Addressing the program of Wagmati Provincial Committee at the Party Central Office Chasal on Tuesday, Pokharel said that after the party-led government is formed at the center, the process of forming governments in the provinces will naturally begin.

General Secretary Pokharel said that if the five political parties in power make a united effort, there is a possibility of forming a government under the new equation in all the provinces. He informed that after discussing among the parties participating in the power, the work of forming the provincial government under the new equation will be completed this week .

'After the party-led government is formed at the center, naturally, the process of forming governments in the provinces will also begin . If the five political parties in power make a united effort, there is a possibility of forming a government under the new equation in all provinces,' he said, 'We are trying, after discussing among the major parties, we will complete the process of changing the provincial government under the new equation within two/four days

General Secretary Pokharel also said that UML will not go to Samajwadi Morcha. He said that the mission of UML is not to create a front but to create political polarization and strong national power. He mentioned that since the UML has reached the government, there is a question about what happened to Mission 2084 and he claimed that the current collaboration is to support Mission 2084.

'Because we have reached the government at this time, I see the curiosity of some comrades about what happened to Mission 2084 . The same kind of curiosity is seen in the social media,' General Secretary Pokharel said, 'Now we have done the collaboration to support Mission 2084. In that sense, Mission 2084 has not changed our purpose . It is ongoing . There has been no change in the party's belief that strengthening the party as a strong national power is indispensable for the future of the party and the country.

Secretary General Pokharel has also requested not to comment on the collaboration of the new power equation as a left-wing front or alliance or a journey in that direction.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १३, २०८० १६:२८
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