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World Tuberculosis Day: Tuberculosis could not be eradicated due to social stigma

माधव अर्याल

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Today is March 24, World Tuberculosis Day. Since tuberculosis is a major public health problem in Nepal, the government is keeping it under the first priority program, the head of the health office in Palpa, Dr. Rajendra Giri said. The government is sending the budget at the rate of 5 lakhs to the health office and at least 2 lakhs to the local level. But effective work has not been done.

World Tuberculosis Day: Tuberculosis could not be eradicated due to social stigma

He said that according to the World Health Organization standards, Nepal has started the method of treating tuberculosis patients by the DOTS (direct monitoring of drug administration) method since 1996. Giri says that the death rate has increased due to the fact that tuberculosis could not be detected in the early stage and the trend of coming to health institutions after the disease has become infected. He said that tuberculosis is now a challenge all over the country including Palpa. The government has set a target of eradicating tuberculosis by the year 2030.

'The challenge for the government is that tuberculosis patients cannot be diagnosed due to social stigma,' said Sunil Adhikari, Head of Health Branch of Ribdikot Rural Municipality, 'Still no first stage tuberculosis patients have been found in the village. Those who get sick and finally get tested for tuberculosis. Even though the government has issued the operation guide for the tuberculosis-free Nepal campaign 2078, there is an increase in the number of tuberculosis patients every year.

There is a tendency to suspect tuberculosis only after coughing for more than two weeks, fever in the evening, weight loss, and blood in the sputum. Tikaram Adhikari, information officer of the health office, said that tuberculosis can be cured if treatment is started at the beginning, but if careless, it is a recurring problem.

The government has arranged free treatment for tuberculosis patients. Tuberculosis officer of the health office Bishwaraj Neupane said that senior citizens, children, health workers, HIV infected people, people with diabetes, pregnant women, prisoners and prisoners, people who have transplanted organs are among the risk groups of tuberculosis. The problem is that the patients themselves don't care, the health workers don't take care and the people's representatives of the municipality don't give priority.

Tuberculosis is transmitted through breathing, a contagious disease caused by a microscopic germ called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Giri said. Tuberculosis can spread from one infected patient to 20 people. As soon as symptoms similar to tuberculosis appear, the test should be done.

Tuk Prasad Pokharel, the statistics officer of the health office, said that even in Palpa, the infection rate of tuberculosis has not decreased. According to him, 227 TB patients have been found in the last 8 months. In the previous financial year, 334 people were found. He said that 25 people died in the previous financial year even though treatment was done under direct supervision.

According to the health office, the mortality rate of tuberculosis in the district is 7.3 percent. The rate of infection has been constant for the last 10 years. Infections seem to have increased again in recent years. The infection has been seen more in Tansen, Rampur and Nisdi of the district. During the period of nine months, the maximum number of TB patients was found in Tansen, 45, Rampur, 41 and Nisdi, 31. Similarly, 23 TB patients were found in Mathagadi, 25 in Rainadevi Chhahara, 17 in Purvkhola, 15 in Rambha, 10 in Ribdikot and 14 in Tinau.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ११, २०८० १४:२१
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