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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८०

UML's suggestion to the government to focus on instilling hope in the people


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The main ruling party CPN (UML) has suggested to the government to focus on instilling hope and confidence in the people. The secretariat meeting of UML held on Sunday reviewed the recent political developments and suggested the government to work effectively.

UML's suggestion to the government to focus on instilling hope in the people

UML has suggested the government to focus more on the issue of people's concerns, concluding that it has communicated hope to the people after the formation of the new power equation.

UML's Deputy Secretary General Pradeep Gyawali said that by making the work of the government more effective, by breaking the frustration in the society, to give a new speed to the process of development, prosperity and good governance and to focus on the protection and promotion of the national interests of the country.

After the start of the new political journey, there has been some communication of hope in the country. Gyawali said about the discussions held in the meeting, "Our party has made a firm resolution to give a new speed to the process of development, prosperity and good governance that has been blocked by making this government and the performance of the government effective, and to focus on the protection and promotion of the national interests of the country." In the same way, we have also wished them to move forward in a more agile, more problem-oriented manner and instill hope and trust in the people.'

EML has condemned the terrorist attack on a concert outside Moscow, the capital of Russia . 133 people died in that attack.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ११, २०८० १८:२८
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