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The Congress is adamant on the demand that a parliamentary committee should be formed to investigate the Home Minister


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The main opposition party Congress has maintained its demand to form a parliamentary committee to investigate the involvement of Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane in the Surya Dasharna Cooperative fraud case.

The Congress is adamant on the demand that a parliamentary committee should be formed to investigate the Home Minister

Congress MP Ishwaridevi Neupane, while speaking at an emergency meeting in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, said that her demand to form a parliamentary committee to investigate the home minister remains the same. She said that if the government refused to form a committee in the upcoming parliament meeting, the government would have done it instead of obstructing the parliament. She said that Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal was trying to protect the Home Minister and said that the Prime Minister was dishonest and assassinated.

'The way the Prime Minister spoke in the Parliament and outside the Parliament before giving the answer, the way he presented himself . Isn't it dishonest and an attack on the victim who has cut his stomach and collected four-four money, who suffered directly by meeting you personally? Isn't this a game against the law of the state? Put your hand on your chest and ask yourself, Prime Minister. The Prime Minister said there is no evidence yesterday. No looting . And one Dipesh will be arrested again in the same case, he will not be arrested if others are arrested,' she said.

Home Minister Lamichhane spoke irresponsibly on Tuesday, according to MP Neupane . 'He should keep the position of Home Minister, we have to watch ? Even more irresponsible, the Deputy Prime Minister went out and said, challenging the opposition, let the opposition block the House for four years . We continue to rule. How does power work? Will the opposition shut down the parliament and run the government? That can never happen,' she said.

Member of Parliament Neupane said that Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane wants to become Home Minister many times and there are legal and moral questions about Minister Lamichhane. She challenged the opposition to disrupt the parliament and said that if the opposition disrupts the parliament, the government will not function.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ७, २०८० १३:०५
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