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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

After participating in the government, RSVP says: The position has changed, but the character has not changed


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National Independent Party MP Ganesh Parajuli has said that even if he is in the government, he will not let the voice of the people die. Speaking to mediapersons at the Parliament building complex on Thursday, MP Parajuli said that only their posture has changed and their character remains the same, and they will focus on raising the voice of the people. He said that the implementation of the calendar in the House is due to the RSVP.

After participating in the government, RSVP says: The position has changed, but the character has not changed

Even when we were sitting in the opposition yesterday, we raised as much voice as we did and raised as many issues as we did. We used to say that we should implement the calendar in the House, but today it has become a reality. As much as we raised the voice of the people when we were in the opposition, as much as that voice was important, today even when we are in the government, we have not forgotten that part . That's the relevance . We have changed our posture, we have not changed our character," he said.

Parajuli says that the RSVP is present in the government under the minimum common program.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १, २०८० १६:५१
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