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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८०

Congress General Committee Meeting: State President announcing the conclusion of the group discussion


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The group discussion in the general committee meeting of Nepali Congress has ended. Now, the provincial chairpersons are presenting their views with conclusions by including the topics and suggestions raised in the group discussion.

Congress General Committee Meeting: State President announcing the conclusion of the group discussion

In Godavari, Lalitpur, on the fourth day of the general committee meeting, the suggestions raised in the general committee meeting are scheduled to be presented in a joint meeting with the central officials . After this, there is an agenda to be addressed by the officials and to conclude the meeting today.

On Tuesday, the policy proposal presented by Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Purna Bahadur Khadka, the organizational proposal presented by General Minister Gagan Kumar Thapa, the current political proposal presented by General Minister Vishwa Prakash Sharma, the financial report presented by Finance Minister Prakasharan Mahat and the audit presented by Audit Committee Coordinator Shyam Ghimire. On Wednesday and Thursday, the members of the General Committee expressed views on the report.

Each member was given 5 minutes. The members of the General Committee have put forward suggestions that the Congress should take special initiatives on the issues of alliance, social and economic issues, education, health and employment. The members have expressed concern about the future of the party .

General Committee member Sushil Bhatt said that most of the General Committee members expressed concern about the future of the party in the meeting. "Everyone's opinion was focused especially on the alliance and its impact," he said, "There is a divided opinion on this."

He claimed that the young generation had concluded that the workers were disappointed when the party went to the polls. But most of the district presidents who spoke in the meeting are of the opinion that it is not right to take a decision from the general committee meeting as the alliance is a strategic issue.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १०, २०८० १५:३३
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