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Congress General Committee Meeting: Five minutes for each member to give suggestions on the report


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On the third day of the ongoing general committee meeting of the Nepali Congress, five reports were divided into four groups and discussed. In the group discussion, the participants are putting suggestions and opinions on the report presented on Tuesday.

Congress General Committee Meeting: Five minutes for each member to give suggestions on the report

A participant is given five minutes to give their suggestions and opinions. In the main hall of the conference center, Kosi and Sudurpaschim region, Lumbini region, fraternal and benevolent organizations and public relations committees in Konjyosom hall, Bagmati and Gandaki region in Phulchoki hall and Madhesh and Karnali region in Vishankhunarayan hall.

Congress General Committee meeting is scheduled to last until Thursday, February 10. In the

group discussion on Wednesday, arrangements have been made for all the participants to give their views. We have managed the necessary time to take the opinion of all the members participating in the General Committee meeting. All members will be able to put their opinions and suggestions,' he said.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ९, २०८० ११:३९
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