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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७
लोक सेवा

First woman topper joint secretary

Krishna Kumari Shrestha of Palpa Rampur has been recommended number one in the recent exam for Joint Secretary. Having given both internal and open examinations, she not only passed the open examination, but has also set the record of being the first 'topper' female joint secretary in the country.
As the public service examination is very fair, everyone's hope is the center of trust. People who want to join public service should prepare regardless of age. While writing the answer, you should focus on the topic and pay attention to linguistic accuracy.
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Krishna Kumari Shrestha, who selected her name in an open competition for Joint Secretary of Nepal Administration Service, has been registered as the country's first "topper" female joint secretary. Although he was recommended as Joint Secretary by the Public Service Commission on May 4, he is yet to be appointed. This leap he made within a decade of entering the service from the branch officer level is exemplary for many. To cross the ladder of success, she has sprinkled many hurdles and stumbles.

First woman topper joint secretary

37-year-old Krishna Kumari was born in Palpa's Rampur Municipality-8. She is the youngest of 16 siblings. His mother Tejkumari Shrestha has 5 sisters and 3 brothers and his elder mother has 6 sisters and 2 brothers. Farming was the main source of livelihood for a large family. His 14 siblings never got a chance to hold a copy of the book. Krishna Kumari and her younger brother proved to be lucky. Both of them who were able to study are government employees. The younger brother is a member of the Nepal Police. He completed his education up to class 12 in the village and joined the police service.

Father Lal Bahadur passed away on May 12, 2058 at the age of 65. She was studying in class 8 at that time. The 82-year-old mother is with her siblings in Palpa. At that time, it was very difficult for her mother to send Krishna Kumari to school. So she vowed to the goddess in her daughter's name. I was such that I didn't want to go to school. After my mother told me to take a vow to the goddess and go to school, I started going to school. After this, reading and writing became her addiction. Along with studying, she also helped with housework in the morning and evening. She passed her SLC in 059 and was in a dilemma whether to study further due to the poor financial condition of her family.

Teaching while reading

By chance, she got a teaching job in the same school. There was a vacancy for primary level teachers. Two people were nominated. As he excelled in studies, the then chairman of the school management committee Dharma Bahadur Acharya, the then Prof. Hari Prasad Khanal and the community gave him an opportunity through internal discussion. After this it became somewhat easier to raise expenses. Shahid of Rampur got admission in the multiple campus. She used to get a monthly salary of 1500 rupees. A monthly fee of Rs 450 was to be paid in the college.

She completed her IA and graduation while teaching at primary level. Classes started at 6:30 am on campus, school at 10 am. Since the distance between the school and the campus is half an hour, the last period often had to be missed. While studying on campus, she also received scholarships for IA first year, graduation first and third year.

The path shown by the gurus

Seeing his passion for studies, the then Assistant Campus Head of Shahid Multiple Campus, Murari Kafle and Professor Surya Prasad Ghimire, suggested him to go to Kathmandu to complete his master's degree. 'Reverend Gurus you have read well. "You should go to Kathmandu, eat Ekchak instead, it is a place of opportunity," she said. She came to Kathmandu excited by their suggestions. Under the Faculty of Humanities of Tribhuvan University in Kirtipur, she enrolled in English subject in 065 Chait and started her master's degree.

She didn't leave home until she graduated, but she didn't know that she would have to live in a camp when she came to Kathmandu. When she asked seniors studying in Kathmandu, she was told that since it is a government college, they would pay five thousand rupees per year. She came to Kathmandu to study with 25,000 rupees that she had saved while working as a teacher. This alone was not enough. My cousins ​​used to send me.

After marriage

Bhada, working in the Nepali Army, talked about marriage while she was studying for her master's degree with her husband. The boy in question was Jagat Bahadur Baniyan from Gorkha, Bhada's friend who met him while on a peacekeeping mission. He is currently working as Subedar. Along with Jagat, he was doing his Masters in Education Planning Management (EPM) at Tahachal Campus. There was a meeting and conversation between Krishna Kumari and Jagat. An inter-caste marriage took place after the families of both parties agreed. They got married in the year 067 at Pachli Bhairava temple in Teku. After this, the husband became adamant about studying and making a career.

Relatives from home, who were impressed by Krishna Kumari's studies, suggested through her husband to prepare for public service by studying post-graduation in the second year. Before marriage, she did not know much about public service. She came to know that the form was opened in the buyer around 064. Even after the deadline, she went to Butwal and filled the form only to find that there is a deadline to fill in the double duty. I did not know how to prepare for the exam. Even after reading the general knowledge books that she had read, she gave the exam hoping that she would not pass. After taking the exam and returning, the result came, she did not know when it came.

After her marriage, she took a public service preparation class from Name Institute in Putlisadak after completing her post-graduation according to the advice of her husband and relatives. For the first time, she gave all the exams for the buyer, Naib Subba and officer, but did not pass any of them. The preparation was going on, she took the exam again in 069. She also passed her master's degree in first class. While waiting for the results of the public service examination, she aspired for teaching jobs in various boarding schools in Kathmandu. Wherever he went, he would behave as if his educational certificate was not important, saying that he was looking for a job in boarding even after completing his post-graduation. She thought, 'My educational certificate will be used somewhere!' After this, she focused on public service preparation class without working anywhere.

Recommended for women quota at branch officer level. After being authorized on 19 August 070, she was posted at Dhading Post Office under the Ministry of Information Technology. She was ranked 18th in merit out of 130 recommended when authorized. But many people said that 'women who have passed the quota are weak'. Along with the job, she started preparing for the post of deputy secretary. A daughter was born as the first child in 071. Husband and wife moved forward with studying, family, and job together. At the same time, he gave up the opportunity to go on a peacekeeping mission for the second time in 073. Four years after the

was authorized, the Deputy Secretary

Krishna Kumari has been transferred from Dhading to the Ministry of Health and Population. Every Saturday, she used to reach the institute and take the preparatory exam for deputy secretary. She was recommended as a deputy secretary from the internal exam given in 074. On 27 June 075, she was first posted as Deputy Secretary in Gorkha Municipality. Federalism was implemented recently. During her 18-month stay in the municipality, she got a chance to learn about the governance system of the three-level government. A son was born as the second child in 077. Earlier, she was transferred from Gorkha to Defense Ministry. After serving in the Ministry of Defense for 27 months, she has been working as the Head of Planning and Foreign Aid Branch of the Ministry of Tourism for the past two years.

It took him time to understand the civil service until he became deputy secretary after being authorized. He felt that 'however, one should get a job after passing public service, after getting a job everything will be fine'. Apart from work, she used to prepare for joint secretary in her spare time. Took a five-day preparatory class. Due to the education received in the preparation class, the joint secretary had increased confidence in naming names. She gave both internal and open exams. Internally, the name did not come out. Not only did she pass the open-ended exam, she also set the record of being the first 'topper' female joint secretary in the country. After receiving the appointment in a few days, she is preparing to take charge. Aiming to excel in

service delivery

Remembering the gurus who encouraged her to come to Kathmandu when she was studying in Palpa, she said, 'I always remember my two revered gurus encouraging me to come to Kathmandu to study, because of their words, I have reached this success now that I am being praised by everyone.' She said that she is feeling the challenge of whether there will be a shortage in the flow. "Just as there is a matter of breaking a record and becoming number one, the challenge of being the best in service delivery has also been added. I have set a goal to work to be the best in service delivery," she said. With his recommendation for

co-secretary, family, relatives and relatives are also happy. In order to manage her time for studying, she did not go to social functions such as weddings, fasts, birthdays, pujas etc. She used to send her husband where he had to go. "Even from your relatives, you never got a bad comment that you have grown up, now everyone is happy with my success," she said.

reading always continues Along with the

job, Jagat has done additional master's degrees in public administration and political science. Krishna Kumari also went on to pursue a master's degree in public administration along with English. Both studied LLB together. Lately, both of them have stopped their studies because they feel that they are not able to spend time taking care of their children. The success till date is due to the support of family and relatives. Sister's daughters helped in taking care of the children by studying and working together. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, cleaning are all done together. They try to find more time to study by doing housework. Social media is time-consuming and therefore limited. She also gives the same advice to those preparing for public service.

She suggests that one should work hard continuously to prepare for public services. "You don't have to put your hands all over the place, the public service exam is very fair, everyone's hope is the center of trust," she says. The name will come out but it will be in the alternative.'

Women should be involved in social work without affecting their studies, she says. "Just like I consider Teej and Tihar only one day, I celebrate Dasain for a whole week as a family gathering, then I don't even have many gatherings," she said, "because when I participate in social work, I waste my time studying, I can't concentrate on my studies." What we read can be remembered while we are cooking, washing the rent, cleaning the house. She said that you should pay attention to small things like walking around, having fun, reducing gatherings, using the phone only when it is absolutely necessary, talking over the cover phone (number) because you don't know the time has passed during video calls, and talking only about the topics you need to talk about. Stay focused on the content and pay attention to linguistic accuracy. Being able to make letters well is a plus point,' he suggested.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १४, २०८१ १०:०१
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