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२८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७९

Monteswari Kids World's Annual Parents' Day and Graduation Ceremony completed


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Monteshwari Kids World in Nayabaneshwar has completed its annual Parents' Day and Graduation Ceremony. The school organized a special program on Monday and completed the program.

Monteswari Kids World's Annual Parents' Day and Graduation Ceremony completed

Speaking on the occasion of the

program, the founder and principal Sabnam Thapa Subba said that this school, which was started with the aim of helping the overall development of children, has completed 17 years of teaching using the Monteshwari method. Thapa thanked all parents and well-wishers for their support and encouragement during this period. This school, which has been running pre-schools from the

play group to pre-two, has recently started teaching at the primary level as well. Progressive learning education method has been adopted at the primary level. Principal Thapa said that due to this, the overall development of the children has been more supported.

School children performed activities including song, dance and drama during the annual Parents' Day and graduation ceremony. On that occasion, 30 children who completed pre-school studies were upgraded to class 1.

In this school, which was established in the year 2063, Principal Thapa said that studies have been started from play group to U KG and primary level from class 1 to 4 as a pre-school.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २६, २०८० १७:५६
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