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ANERASWAVIU's demand to correct the professor's advertisement


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The UML has requested the Tribhuvan University Service Commission to correct the advertisement for the post of professor of law by Aneraswaviyu.

ANERASWAVIU's demand to correct the professor's advertisement

Submitting a demand letter to the Service Commission, ANERASWVIU has asked to cancel the procedure regarding the recommendation of appointment of teachers from the Executive Council, 2075 dated 21 October 2080 and sent to the Tertiary Service Commission for implementation.

It is mentioned in the demand letter that this move of the Service Commission to ignore the existing law and try to fill the posts of certain associate professors as professors is a malicious act. Even though the laws and regulations of the university which are in force until the day of publication of the advertisement for the appointment and promotion of university professors, the same rules and practices should be applied in the selection process of professors and staff, trying to make a limited number of people and groups professors in the university through the service commission is cleverness and mischief on the part of the service commission chairman. And political faith is to be dominant,' it is said.

Service Commission has advertised for filling up the posts of 9 law professors on May 1st. Aneraswaviyu has also given an ultimatum of one week to cancel the published advertisement immediately and issue another notice so that all the relevant laws remain active. Siddhanta Bhatt, Chairman of Aneraswaviyu University Committee, submitted the demand letter.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ९, २०८१ १८:११
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