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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६५

Student recruitment drive started

Along with the enrollment of students, the basis for student retention should also be created in schools: Minister of Education Shrestha

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The school admission drive for the new academic session has started from Sunday. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has discussed with the concerned parties to make the student admission campaign successful.

Student recruitment drive started

The Minister of Education, Secretary of Education, Director General of Education and Human Resource Development Center, other officials of the Ministry, Chairpersons of Rural Municipality and Municipal Federation, Heads of Education Branch of Local Government and Heads of Education Development and Coordination Unit were present in the discussion held online on Sunday. During the

discussion, expressing her best wishes for the student enrollment campaign for the new academic session, Education, Science and Technology Minister Sumana Shrestha said that only with the active participation of all three levels of government and the community, the new enrollment and community education reform campaign will be successful.

Education Minister Shrestha was of the opinion that since the quality of education determines the level of awareness and the speed of development of the society, education is necessary to make good citizens with compassion and humility who can contribute positively to the society. An education system based on data should be created. Along with the enrollment of students, the basis for students to stay in the school should also be created'- Education Minister Shrestha said .

Speaking at such a program, Suresh Adhikari, Secretary of the Ministry of Education, expressed the view that the Ministry will provide all kinds of support as the student enrollment campaign is led by the local government.

Chairman of Rural Municipality Federation Lakshmidevi Pandey has expressed her commitment that the children of people's representatives should be educated in public schools and for that the Rural Municipality Federation will take the lead.

Bhim Dhungana, President of the Municipal Federation, said that the problem of textbooks and teachers in child development classes should be solved.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख २, २०८१ १३:०८
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