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Labor's tough challenge to the Conservatives after a decade and a half

Conservative leader and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is seeking a new term, but Sunak's party, who has been prime minister since October 25, 2022, faces a tough challenge from the opposition Labor Party in Thursday's election.
Opinion polls show that the Conservative Party, which has been in power since 2010, will suffer a crushing defeat. Voters are expected to return Labor to power for the first time in 14 years.
नवीन पोखरेल

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In British politics, the Conservative Party has been in power for a decade and a half. The current Prime Minister and Conservative leader Rishi Sunak announced that the general election will be held tomorrow before the end of the term of the Parliament. Sunak, who became the prime minister on October 25, 2022, is seeking a new term. But in this election, Sunak's party is facing a tough challenge from the opposition Labor Party.

Labor's tough challenge to the Conservatives after a decade and a half

In the elections to be held after December 2019, British voters will elect 650 MPs to represent the British Parliament House of Commons. It is said that after the end of voting on Thursday evening, the ballot boxes will be collected and the counting of votes will begin immediately. It is expected that the results of the first seat will come after about an hour and the results of the majority seats will be announced before 9 am on Friday.

Opinion polls show the Conservative Party, which has been in power since 2010, will suffer a crushing defeat. Voters are expected to return Labor to power for the first time in 14 years. Conservative leader Rishi Sunak, who has been the Prime Minister since October 2022, is leading his party in the elections.

Keir Starmer

Sunak's main rival is Keir Starmer, former Director of Public Prosecutions in England and leader of the Labor Party since April 2020. He is now seen as a possible prime minister. The main contenders are the Scottish National Party, which is campaigning for Scottish independence, the Liberal Democrats, the Democratic Unionist Party, which seeks to preserve the relationship between Britain and Northern Ireland, and the New Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage, a Brexit campaigner.

Some observers predict that the New Reform Party will draw votes from the Conservatives. The fledgling UK Reform Party was known as Ukip (UK Independence Party) in the Brexit referendum. It was a Eurosceptic and right-wing political party in the UK. This party has become a major headache for the Conservative Party as the votes it receives are mainly from former Conservative Party voters.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak .

The ruling conservatives, who ruled the country continuously for 14 years, are now under a lot of pressure. Since coming to power in 2010, the Conservatives have faced one challenge after another. Initially the global financial crisis increased UK debt and the Tories imposed years of 'austerity' to balance the budget. The exit of the UK from the European Union, the deadliest covid epidemic in Western Europe, the rise in inflation after Russia attacked Ukraine, the crisis of living for the common people, the significant increase in crime and the illegal arrival of immigrants across the English Channel in small boats have increased the challenge for the Conservatives in this election.

British Prime Minister Sunak surprised many by announcing a general election on July 4. Opinion polls show that his Conservative Party is in dire straits. The opposition Labor Party, led by Sir Keir Starmer, looks set to win big. Some projections have the Conservatives falling below 100 seats. According to the BBC, Labor still leads the Conservatives by around 20 points, with Reform UK third and the Liberal Democrats fourth.

The Guardian's national poll tracker shows Labor leading the Conservatives by more than 20 points. Vote share 41.3 percent Labor, 21. per cent Conservative, 15.5 per cent Far Right Reform, 11.1 per cent Liberal Democrats and 5.8 per cent Greens. Some other recent polls have Labor leading the Conservatives by 16 to 24 points. If this projection is correct, Labor will win 424 of the 650 seats, the Conservatives 135, the Lib Dems 47 and the Scottish National Party (SNP) 19. In the December 2019 election, when Boris Johnson led, the Conservatives won 365 seats, while Labor had only 202, i.e. the Conservatives' popular vote was 43.6 percent and 32.1 percent for Labour.

The Conservatives have been ruling the UK since winning the 2010 election. In the general election of 2017, the popularity of the Conservative Party is decreasing due to the stagnancy in the British economy, the problems in health care, the negative impact on people's daily lives, the constantly increasing number of immigrants, the unstable politics within the Conservative Party, etc. Child Kailash Kaini understands.

As a whole, the crisis in the UK economy and people's daily life has added to his opinion that people want Labor to win this time. There are two main things that attract voters' attention in British elections. First, party leaders and party policies. Kaini says, 'The personality of the person who will be the prime minister in the future, his morals, public life, conduct, ability to run the country or run the government, his clarity and wisdom in policy making, etc. are all evaluated. This is one of the main bases for the party or parliamentary candidates to get votes.'

is the second aspect in Kaini's understanding - the manifesto presented by the parties in the election, which is a document of the party's future policies and programs. Parties in the UK hold their convention or annual conference every year. In the annual conference of every year, more time than the internal process of the party, the party representative members and experts in every field think deeply about what policies and programs to make for the country and the people on behalf of the party. As a result, they set policies and programs according to the aims, visions and goals of the party.

The United Kingdom (UK), which is the world's sixth largest economy with a population of about 67 million, consists of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. People's main concerns are issues like health, education, economy, national security, immigration, energy, social care, pensions, taxes, climate change. A party that solves the problems of daily livelihood wins the hearts of the people.

Labor's priorities

The first priority of the Labor government is to make the country and the people economically strong and capable and to provide economic stability. Similarly, to reduce the pressure of increasing patients in the National Health Service (NHS), reducing the waiting time (waiting time), creating a border security command or squad is a major priority. According to recent opinion polls, a Labor Party government led by Sir Keir Starmer is certain to form after the general election on Friday.

After the formation of the Labor Party government, although some new policies are expected in matters related to internal governance and common people's livelihood, such as economy, health, education, internal security, energy, etc., there will be no immediate difference in foreign policy and international cooperation policy. Canine understands.

Regarding immigration policy, which has become a matter of interest for the Nepalese people, the upcoming Labor government has also adopted a policy to reduce the total number of immigrants. Labor has a policy of sweeping reforms to the points-based immigration system. Therefore, the next Labor government is sure to be a bit tougher on immigration than the previous Labor government. This seems to discourage students and other unskilled workers from coming to the UK.

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ ११:१६
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