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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२२

Women entrepreneurs from remote areas say: 'They don't believe in production, the government doesn't see it'


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Rajpura Rokaya of Ramaroshan rural municipality-5 has been cultivating commercial vegetables for 2 years. After receiving training in agriculture and hojiari from the rural municipality, Rajpura registered an agricultural firm and started producing vegetables. The municipality had given training to 21 people related to agriculture and hojiari with the aim of making them professional.

Women entrepreneurs from remote areas say: 'They don't believe in production, the government doesn't see it'

Rajpura, who has been in business since receiving training, complained that she could not find a market. Grow all seasonal vegetables. Even after working hard, everything rotted and wasted," she said. "When the vegetables didn't get a market, I started weaving carpets, sweaters, food, etc. by hand. If you produce food from the village, we will buy it, then bring the raw material from Dhangadhi. In the end, they didn't buy it.'

She said that even after training women to make them active in enterprise and business, they do not get the market, they do not even care from the local level. If we keep a separate shop and sell it, my house is at the top of the village. There is no settlement there. There is no transport facility to take you to Mangalsen, Sanfebagar . Saraswati Kunwar of Bannigarhi Jaigarh Rural Municipality-3 has also operated a hand-made hojiari business. She, who has been weaving and producing herself since a year ago, also has a problem with the market. She got a machine from Bannigarhi Jaigarh rural municipality with a subsidy. However, his business has not flourished as expected.

``They buy clothes from outside even if they are expensive . They shrug their noses saying that it is produced here, what would be better,' she said, instead of promoting local products, they are made by women. If the business gets a good market, she plans to expand the industry by keeping employees, but now she is disappointed.

20-year-old Nisha Bista of Mangalsen Municipality-4 is studying for graduation and rearing goats. Nisha, who registered the firm in the Domestic and Small Industries Office, now has 25 goats. I always thought that a daughter should be independent while studying. I used to keep 3/4 of the goats at home, but after seeing little benefit from it, I registered a firm on the advice of my family and increased the number of goats," she said, "I am keeping goats with the help of family members. They used to say that people who are working in this way get subsidy. Went to many places . A little help from Krishi Gyan Kendra and Walk Nepal. In the end, no help was received.' He complained that

was ignored even though he went to the local level many times. "Daughter is a human being, she gets married and goes away, she doesn't even get a grant because it might not last long," she said. Pasture area and She said that there is a problem in raising goats due to the problem of grass.

Indira Regmi Adhikari, President of Women Entrepreneurs Association Achham, who is operating a chappal industry in Binayak, said that grants and other support coming for women entrepreneurs and businessmen are taken by arranging the documents . She said that there is no consumption according to the product at the local level and they do not believe in women entrepreneurs.

'It is not easy to do business in an easy way . Investment, manpower, raw materials, machines are all necessary. They don't believe even if they work so hard to produce,'' she said, ``There are industries and businesses in the name of women . They are only limited to paper . Decision-making and transactions are all done by men.' She said that women are promoted only for the sake of tax exemption, easy loans from banks and other concessions if businesses are registered in the name of women.

According to him, 82 women who have been operating industrial businesses in Mangalsen, Sanfebagar, Kamalbazar and Vinayak areas of the district are members of Women Entrepreneurs Association in Achham. "We are integrated to bring women businessmen and entrepreneurs together and bring stakeholders together." "No agency of the state has ever seen a woman who worked in remote areas like this," she said.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २२:४८
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